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January 10, 2021 0
earth globe with googly eyes on gray background

Turn off location tracking on Android

As convenient as it is when an app shows you which stores or restaurants are nearby — there are some privacy concerns to be considered. Did you really mean to give your weekday travel routine to Google? Are you ok with knowing that Facebook’s AI now has access to study your behavioral patterns?

December 30, 2020 0

FTC Sues Facebook for Illegal Monopolization

Charges filed today against facebook alleged the company of “illegally maintaining its personal social networking monopoly through a years-long course of anticompetitive conduct”. The FTC has been pursuing this for some time. “Following a lengthy investigation in cooperation with a coalition of attorneys general of 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam, the complaint…
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December 9, 2020 0

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and you

The California Consumer Protection Act or CCPA became effective on January 1, 2020. This act, while mandated for California, applies to any company that does business with a California company, has California resident customers, or collects any personal data of a California resident for any purpose (customer or non-customer). The mandate basically says that companies…
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November 13, 2020 0

Zoom lied to users about end-to-end encryption for years, FTC says

after reaching a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, Zoom has agreed to upgrade its security practices to what it has been promising its customers for years. Zoom has been reporting since 2016 that it offered ‘end-to-end, 256-bit encryption’ to its secure users. The truth is that while the video conferences are encrypted while in session, the criteria for calling it ‘end-to-end’ is definitely not applicable.

November 13, 2020 0

Defending Your Privacy with Disinformation – Top 3 Tips

Defensive disinformation is a great tool against the data mining activities of governments and the big Internet companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple. Learn about this powerful capability that can be used by the little guy to make the data collected by the big entities become useless. This is like asymmetric warfare. Simple tools with…
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November 12, 2020 0

Police to access Ring surveillance cameras in Mississippi

Vice reports “On Tuesday, Jackson, Mississippi’s city council signed off on a 45-day pilot program that would let police access Ring surveillance cameras in real time. In partnership with technology companies PILEUM and Fūsus, the pilot program will run through the police department’s surveillance hub, the Real Time Crime Center, from which Jackson’s police department…
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November 10, 2020 0