Tag: ads

Comment bloquer les publicités sur iPhone et Android ?

Personne n’aime voir une pop-up surgir sur son écran pendant qu’il fait des achats en ligne ou regarde une vidéo. Les publicités indésirables sont un véritable fléau, et les mobiles ne sont malheureusement pas épargnés. Heureusement, il existe des méthodes pour bloquer un grand nombre de ces publicités sur votre téléphone. Quel que soit le…
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July 9, 2024 0

Blokowanie reklam – jak zablokować reklamy?

Natrętne reklamy, irytujące banery i wyskakujące okienka potrafią być męczące. Niektóre z nich mogą zepsuć radość z korzystania z Internetu, obniżać prędkość pobierania lub zawierać złośliwe oprogramowanie. Na szczęście programy do blokowania reklam potrafią sobie z tym poradzić. Sprawdź, czym jest blokowanie reklam i jak wpływa na surfowanie w sieci. Czym jest blokowanie reklam? Blokowanie…
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June 25, 2024 0

Geotargeting: What is it, and how does it work?

Geotargeting is a type of targeted advertising that shows you ads based on your physical location (or geolocation). Advertisers use this technique to target people based on their location data. However, like many other forms of advertising, geotargeting may raise questions about user privacy. Read on to find out how it works — and how…
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June 12, 2024 0

Reklam engelleme hakkında bilmeniz gerekenler

Araya giren reklamlar, sinir bozucu banner’lar ve dikkat dağıtıcı pop-up’lar indirme hızlarını yavaşlatır ve kötü amaçlı yazılımların taşıyıcısı olarak kullanılabilirler. Bu, çevrimiçi deneyiminizin kalitesini ve güvenliğini etkileyebilecek bir durumdur. Reklam engelleme yazılımları, bu sorunlarla başa çıkmanın en popüler çözümlerinden biridir. Reklam engellemenin ne olduğuna, çevrimiçi deneyiminizin kalitesini nasıl artırabileceğine ve çevrimiçi reklamcılığı nasıl etkilediğine göz…
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June 12, 2024 0

Как заблокировать рекламу на разных платформах (ПК, Android, iOS и других)

Блокируют рекламу по разным причинам, но главным образом для более быстрой загрузки и просмотра веб-сайтов. К счастью, большинство платформ предлагают возможность в той или иной степени блокировать рекламу. Научиться это делать проще, чем вы думаете. Давайте разберемся, как заблокировать рекламу на ПК, Android, iOS и Google Chrome. Зачем блокировать рекламу? Большое количество рекламы раздражает, а…
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May 20, 2024 0

Cos’è un ad blocker? Ciò che devi sapere prima del suo utilizzo

Gli ad blocker sono diventati strumenti essenziali per navigare su Internet con maggiore serenità e sicurezza. Questo articolo affronterà più da vicino il concetto di ad blocker, descrivendo dettagliatamente cos’è, come funziona e le possibili ramificazioni che derivano dal suo utilizzo. Affronteremo anche l’aspetto legale, in particolare dal punto di vista italiano, e vedremo sia…
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February 28, 2024 0

How important is protecting your privacy in the age of targeted advertising?

General awareness of online privacy is now better than ever, and targeted ads raise questions among users. This article explains how targeted marketing works and what it looks like in practice. Keep reading to learn how this type of advertising relates to your online privacy and how to protect it. Contents What is targeted advertising?…
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December 21, 2023 0

Come bloccare la pubblicità sul cellulare

Ritrovarsi lo schermo coperto da pubblicità indesiderata quando si utilizza il proprio smartphone non è solo un’esperienza fastidiosa, ma può rappresentare un segnale di pericolo per la sicurezza e la privacy. In questo articolo, scopriremo come procedere sia su dispositivi Android che su iPhone. Come bloccare le pubblicità sul tuo dispositivo Android I dispositivi Android…
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December 11, 2023 0

Ad blocking explained

Intrusive ads, annoying banners, and distracting pop-ups are tiresome elements of online advertising that can ruin your online experience by slowing download speeds and being the carriers of malware. Ad blocking software is one of the most popular solutions to deal with them. Let’s look into what ad blocking is, how it can boost your…
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June 28, 2023 0