Tag: amazon

Golpes na Amazon: as fraudes mais comuns e como se proteger delas

A Amazon é uma das maiores plataformas de varejo de e-commerce do mundo e inúmeras pessoas movimentam uma quantidade imensa de dinheiro, informações e dados através dela. E isso atrai diversos golpistas que criam estratégias para atingir vítimas e que podem atingir os usuários mais desavisados. Aqui, você vai aprender mais sobre como esses golpes…
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November 27, 2024 0

How to delete Alexa recordings and your search history: A step-by-step guide

Amazon’s Echo devices equipped with digital voice assistants like Alexa offer great convenience but can also pose privacy risks. The rise in data breaches, privacy control, and user profiling are just some of the reasons why you should know how to delete your Alexa recordings and search history. Deleting your search history not only safeguards…
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November 25, 2024 0

De värsta Amazon-bedrägerierna och hur du undviker dem

Amazon har blivit en favorit bland miljontals kunder världen över tack vare deras breda utbud och smidiga köpupplevelse, men framgångsrika plattformar lockar även bedragare. Genom att utnyttja kunders förtroende och använda Amazons namn försöker bedragare lura människor med falska erbjudanden, Amazon-bluffmejl och bedrägerisamtal. I den här artikeln går vi igenom de vanligaste Amazon-bluffarna och hur…
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November 5, 2024 0

Wat zijn passkeys en waarom moet je ze gebruiken

Passkeys zijn een nieuwe vorm van inloggen waarbij je geen wachtwoord hoeft in te voeren. Door biometrische gegevens op je smartphone of laptop te gebruiken, kun je snel en veilig op websites en apps inloggen. In dit artikel leggen we uit hoe passkeys werken, hoe veilig ze zijn en wat de voordelen en nadelen van…
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August 27, 2024 0

What is Big Tech, and who controls it? All you need to know

Who controls Big Tech? That is the question, isn’t it? With all the speculation and conspiracies about Big Pharma, Big Oil, and other “big” industries, it just has to be that someone is pulling the strings in the tech world as well, right? Well, it’s not as simple as it may seem. In this article,…
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July 3, 2024 0

Amazon Prime Day scams: Here’s what to look out for

This Prime Day, millions of Amazon users are at risk of being scammed. With so many asking “Is Amazon safe?” it’s clear that understanding the different types of fraud targeting online consumers is necessary. Find out how to protect yourself when shopping on Amazon. What is Amazon Prime Day? Prime Day is a massive online…
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June 19, 2024 0

What is Amazon Rekognition? And should it worry you?

When someone mentions facial recognition technology, the imagination is quick to draw images of dystopian realities seen in books, movies, or TV. Intimidating or not, facial search capabilities now unlock phones, allow entrance to facilities, or, like Amazon Rekognition, even contribute to personalizing the customer experience. What is the Amazon Rekognition service, and should it…
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April 25, 2024 0

Amazon Astro: User privacy concerns

If you were searching for a solution to monitor your home while you’re away or help with household duties, you’ve probably heard about the Amazon Astro robot. Though it can ease your everyday life, the robot has also received critique from the cybersecurity community about how much privacy it can actually offer. In the end,…
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March 5, 2024 0

O eBay é confiável e seguro?

Afinal de contas, o eBay é confiável? Se você não sabe o que é o eBay ou quer conhecer mais sobre a plataforma, as respostas para esta e outras perguntas são essenciais. Aqui, nós vamos abordar o que é o eBay, como utilizá-lo de forma segura, quais cuidados você precisa ter e como proteger seus…
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January 28, 2024 0