Tag: android

Alternatives à AirTag : Guide complet pour les utilisateurs d’iPhone et d’Android

L’AirTag d’Apple est le dispositif de suivi le plus populaire, grâce à la position inébranlable de l’entreprise et à sa couverture du marché. Ce minuscule traqueur Bluetooth coûte environ 40€, ce qui peut être un peu cher pour certaines personnes. Heureusement, il existe d’autres solutions. Découvrez les meilleures alternatives à l’Apple AirTag et choisissez celle…
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January 19, 2024 0

Como Limpar o Cache no Android

Limpar o cache no Android pode trazer inúmeras vantagens, como melhorar a performance, velocidade e até mesmo segurança do aparelho. Aprenda como fazer isso e muito mais, neste artigo. Tabela de Conteúdo O que é cache no celular? Como excluir os dados da memória cache no Android Como limpar o cache de um aplicativo específico…
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January 15, 2024 0

Android security: The best privacy tips for your phone

Your Android comes with native security features that protect your device and the information it holds. However, some malware can still sneak in if you’re not careful. Let’s go through the best privacy and security tips for your Android device to be sure you’re making the most of its security features and not compromising your…
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December 28, 2023 0

Android vs. iOS: Security comparison 2023

Android and iOS smartphones are taking over the world, but that could be good news for cybercriminals as well. If you value mobile phone security, you’ll probably want to compare Android and iOS on that front. Here’s how they measure up across a range of different features. Contents Are iPhones more secure than Android devices?…
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December 28, 2023 0

Cómo rootear teléfonos Android: ventajas y desventajas de hacerlo

Quienes disfrutan con la personalización de sus dispositivos pueden plantearse rootear Android para tener acceso a más funciones en el sistema operativo de sus teléfonos. En esto esencialmente consiste el rooting, que es una técnica empleada para sacar el mejor partido a los móviles y acceder a funciones de personalización extensivas. Tabla de contenidos ¿Qué…
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December 23, 2023 0

Vad är NFC på mobiltelefoner?

I en värld där smartphones har blivit våra ständiga följeslagare, fullpackade med funktioner som sträcker sig långt bortom röst- och textkommunikation, finns det en liten, men mäktig funktion som ofta förbises – NFC. Denna teknologi är mer än bara en liten rolig funktion, så vad är NFC och vad är det som gör denna teknik…
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December 20, 2023 0

Come resettare un telefono Android in pochi step

Ti è mai capitato di avere per le mani un telefono tremendamente lento, dalle prestazioni così deludenti che non ti resta far altro che regalarlo o venderlo? Resettare un telefono Android può essere una soluzione utile per risolvere problemi di software, migliorare le prestazioni o cancellare tutti i dati e le impostazioni prima di venderlo…
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December 13, 2023 0

Come bloccare la pubblicità sul cellulare

Ritrovarsi lo schermo coperto da pubblicità indesiderata quando si utilizza il proprio smartphone non è solo un’esperienza fastidiosa, ma può rappresentare un segnale di pericolo per la sicurezza e la privacy. In questo articolo, scopriremo come procedere sia su dispositivi Android che su iPhone. Come bloccare le pubblicità sul tuo dispositivo Android I dispositivi Android…
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December 11, 2023 0

Android private DNS: What it is and how to activate it

Enabling a private domain name system (DNS) on your Android phone may improve online privacy and security. It encrypts your DNS queries and prevents third parties from monitoring your online activity. Read this article to learn more about private DNS technicalities and how to enable a private DNS on your Android device. Contents What is…
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December 7, 2023 0

What are passkeys? Should you use them?

Passwords have been the standard for account security ever since the early days of the Internet. But despite how straightforward it is to use passwords, it’s far from the most secure way to log in to your accounts — which is where passkey login can help. While relatively new as a security feature, passkeys have…
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December 6, 2023 0