Tag: artificial intelligence

What is machine learning (ML)? A complete guide

Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn and make decisions on their own by analyzing data, much like humans do. It imitates human learning by making predictions that can be used as inputs for other tasks. Language translation, search engines, and even self-driving cars are all powered by machine…
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July 10, 2024 0

Inteligência artificial aplicada à cibersegurança: prós e contras

Com os ataques dos hackers a tornarem-se cada vez mais sofisticados, a batalha pode parecer perdida para alguns utilizadores e empresas. No entanto, a inteligência artificial (IA) pode ajudá-lo a reforçar defesas, graças aos seus algoritmos inteligentes. Vejamos qual a relação entre a IA e a cibersegurança e como pode proteger-se contra as ciberameaças. O…
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July 2, 2024 0

Qu’est-ce que le traitement du langage naturel (NLP) ? Définition et explications détaillées

Le traitement du langage naturel (NLP) est aujourd’hui à la base de nombreuses applications de notre quotidien. Si vous avez déjà conversé avec un chatbot ou utilisé un GPS à commande vocale, vous avez fait l’expérience d’un outil basé sur le NLP. En quoi consiste cette technologie exactement, quels sont ses avantages et quelles tâches…
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May 29, 2024 0

Generative AI: What is it, and how does it work?

Generative AI allows machine learning algorithms to translate simple descriptions into text, images, and other output. Learn everything you need to know if you’re new to the world of this technology. What is generative AI? Although the topic of generative AI has bloomed recently, the technology itself is not new. The idea of computers mimicking…
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March 14, 2024 0

Deep Learning: Benefícios, Desafios e Futuro

Os avanços tecnológicos acontecem em uma velocidade sem precedentes. Em um mundo interconectado e digitalizado, saber mais sobre conceitos como deep learning é fundamental para garantir o preparo não só para o futuro, mas para o presente que já é uma realidade. O que é deep learning? A aprendizagem de máquina é um elemento fundamental…
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February 19, 2024 0

Is Replika safe? Everything you need to know about it

Replika is an AI-based app that can impersonate real people and generate human-like responses. But is it safe? Read on to learn about this chatbot and the concerns associated with it. Contents What is Replika? How does Replika work? Is Replika safe? Potential risks of using Replika What are the benefits of Replika? Is Replika…
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January 16, 2024 0

Bot: allt du behöver veta om detta datorprogram

Bottar står för en stor del av trafiken och aktiviteten på internet. De kan utföra olika automatiserade uppgifter utan mänskligt ingripande, såsom kundtjänst eller indexering av webbplatser. Det finns dock även bottar som är skadliga och som har som syfte att infektera din enhet med skadlig programvara. Innehåll Vad är en bot? Hur fungerar bottar?…
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January 10, 2024 0

Étude NordVPN : 1 Français sur 3 a une perception négative de l’IA

NordVPN s’est penché sur la perception de l’intelligence artificielle par les utilisateurs français. Si une grande majorité de répondants sait ce qu’est l’IA, seul un quart des Français en possède une vision positive. Par ailleurs, certains secteurs d’applications sont jugés prometteurs, tandis que d’autres inquiètent. Retrouvez toutes les conclusions de notre étude dans cet article.…
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December 20, 2023 0

What is AIOps? Artificial intelligence for IT operations explained

AIOps is an innovative approach that uses artificial intelligence to automate IT tasks and transform processes. Find out how it works and why it’s becoming an essential tool for IT teams, changing the way they manage and operate their systems. Contents What is AIOps? How does AIOps work? Benefits of AIOps Drawbacks of AIOps Use…
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December 14, 2023 0

Data warehouse: définition et exemple d’un entrepôt de données

Un data warehouse ou entrepôts de données permet de stocker une grande quantité de données, mais pas seulement. Découvrez tous ses avantages dans cet article, ainsi qu’une comparaison avec les autres types de stockage de données : data lake, data base ou data mart. Avez-vous besoin d’un data warehouse dans votre organisation ? La réponse…
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December 14, 2023 0