Tag: attack

O que é EternalBlue e como funciona?

O EternalBlue é um exploit perigoso que pode ser usado por hackers para espalhar malware e colocar usuários do Windows em risco. Desde 2017, ele causou milhões de dólares de prejuízo em todo o mundo. Só no Brasil, foram centenas de milhares de vítimas registradas. Neste artigo, explicamos o que é EternalBlue e como se…
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September 24, 2024 0

What is an attack surface and how can it be reduced?

An attack surface is a range of cyber vulnerabilities that malicious actors can use as entry points to access systems and perform cyberattacks. Shoddy cybersecurity systems, weak passwords, and the use of websites without TLS encryption are just a few examples that can contribute to a large attack surface. Sick of feeling exposed to endless…
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July 25, 2024 0

What is Kerberoasting, and how does it work?

Ever wonder how big hacks happen? What enables the attackers to move through and manipulate IT systems with ease? It often involves strategies like bypassing authentication and escalating their privileges. So let’s talk about Kerberoasting — an attack that played a part in such giant hacks as SolarWinds and Log4Shell. Contents What is a Kerberoasting…
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June 24, 2023 0