Tag: Attacks & breaches

Everything you need to know about ATM jackpotting attacks

ATM jackpotting might sound like a casino game, but that’s far from the truth. Jackpotting is illegal cash extraction from ATMs, and it’s not the violent act we see in the movies, where criminals attach ropes to cars and rip the whole thing out. So, how are ATM jackpotting attacks actually performed? Read on to…
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January 24, 2024 0

Cyber extortion: What is it and how to protect yourself

Cyber extortion can cause individuals and businesses financial loss, service disruption, and reputation damage. In this article, we’ll explore how cyber extortion works, how to prevent it, and how you can protect yourself from cyber criminals and their tactics. Contents What is cyber extortion? How does cyber extortion work? Most common types of cyber extortion…
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January 11, 2024 0

Carding: What it is and how to prevent it

Carding attacks are one of the most ubiquitous ways that a{‘ ‘} hacker can attempt credit card fraud. With{‘ ‘} the rising number of credit card fraud cases in the United States , customers need to do more to be aware of this type of fraud. Protecting your credit card details is only the first…
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January 3, 2024 0

Clickjacking: cos’è e come proteggersi da un attacco

Nonostante i numerosi vantaggi della rete Internet, la navigazione online può nascondere diverse insidie, tra cui, ad esempio, il clickjacking. In questo articolo, vedremo nel dettaglio che cos’è questo tipo di attacco, come può avvenire e alcune tecniche da adottare per proteggersi. Contenuti Cos’è il clickjacking? Clickjacking: le possibili fasi di un attacco Clickjacking: tipologie…
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December 26, 2023 0

¿Qué es una brecha de seguridad y cómo ocurre?

Una brecha de seguridad es la fuga de datos personales y otro tipo de información que, de forma accidental o intencionalmente, terminan filtrándose en internet. Por lo tanto, terceras personas pueden acceder a datos que hasta ese momento habían estado protegidos. Esta es la definición de brecha de seguridad en el contexto tecnológico, pero también…
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December 25, 2023 0

Screen hacking: What is it, and how can you protect yourself?

Can you imagine a cyberattack happening right in front of you and not knowing about it? One such attack is screen hacking. It’s a contactless attack allowing hackers to access your private information, such as passwords. Screen hacking is stealthy, but if you pay attention, you can tell if your device has become a target.…
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December 20, 2023 0

What is URL phishing? Everything you need to know

Today, we’re going to talk about one of the most prevalent types of phishing — URL phishing. A menace to both individual users and organizations, URL phishing has been around for a very long time — and people still fall for it every day. We will delve into the mechanics of this cyberattack, learn about…
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December 19, 2023 0

Defining a text spammer: What you need to know

Spam text messages are, at the least, annoying, but some can be downright dangerous. Learn why spam texts are a thing, how to recognize them, and what to do if you receive them. Contents What is a text spammer? How text spammers operate How to identify text spam scams How to respond to text spammers…
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December 15, 2023 0

Was ist ein DDoS-Angriff? Erklärung und Schutz

DDoS-Angriffe können den normalen Betrieb einer Organisation stören und ihre Webseite und Online-Dienste für die Nutzer unzugänglich machen. Diese böswilligen Attacken sind heute eines der größten Probleme für die Cybersicherheit. Lies weiter, um zu erfahren, was DDoS-Angriffe sind, wie sie funktionieren und wie du dich schützen kannst. Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist ein DDoS-Angriff? Wie funktioniert ein…
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December 11, 2023 0