Tag: cloud storage

The 7 safest methods for how to transfer files from PC to PC

Whether you need to move some large files, transfer tons of data, or completely migrate to a new computer, you’ll need to know how to transfer files from PC to PC. You have plenty of methods to choose from, but they’re definitely not all created equal. They vary in speed and relative safety and have…
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April 23, 2024 0

What is STaaS? Storage as a service explained

People are constantly generating data. Even this article is data — and it has to be stored somewhere. Managing and storing data is an important part of many businesses, and with the demand for more storage space growing exponentially, new technology has emerged to help us deal with it. Today, we will explore storage as…
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January 23, 2024 0

What is CaaS, or cloud as a service?

Cloud as a service (CaaS) is a business model that allows cloud service providers to host various cloud services through their servers and provide them to companies for a price or subscription fee. The model has allowed for better scalability and flexibility and lower costs. Many businesses rely on cloud computing providers to manage cloud…
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December 4, 2023 0

Que signifie cloud computing et quels en sont les avantages ?

De plus en plus d’entreprises ont adopté le cloud pour gagner en efficacité, accélérer l’innovation et réduire leurs coûts. Découvrez en quoi consiste le cloud computing, ce qui distingue les différents types de cloud et quels avantages ils présentent pour les organisations. Sommaire Qu’est-ce que le cloud computing ? Les types de cloud computing Cloud…
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November 29, 2023 0

What is shadow IT? Everything from risks to benefits

The words “shadow IT” may conjure images of elite hackers and sprawling dark web conspiracies — but in reality, it can be something as innocent as messaging your colleague about work using the wrong app. In this article, we’ll find out what shadow IT is and what impact it can have on your work. Contents…
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August 11, 2023 0