Tag: Connection

How much does a VPN cost? How can you save money?

With hacking and scamming on the rise, it’s worth investing in your online privacy with a reliable VPN service. The question is – how much should you invest? In our blog post, we’ll walk you through the main factors that contribute to VPN prices and share tips on how to save money on a VPN…
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April 14, 2024 0

What are DNS record types? A list of the most common types you need to know

The function of DNS records is to provide information about domains and tell servers how to respond to queries. If you have access to DNS records, you have a critical way to protect your network by searching through this information for anomalies or unusual activity. To do this, however, you’ll need to understand what details…
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April 14, 2024 0

Comment chiffrer votre connexion Internet

Le chiffrement de votre connexion Internet est essentiel pour renforcer votre sécurité en ligne et protéger vos données sensibles contre les cybercriminels. Dans cet article, nous vous expliquons à quoi sert le chiffrement, et nous vous présentons 8 méthodes pour chiffrer votre connexion Internet et naviguer en toute sécurité. Qu’est-ce que le chiffrement ? Le…
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April 14, 2024 0

Split tunnel vs. full tunnel VPN: What are the main differences?

If you’re using a VPN service, you can go for the standard setup, known as full tunneling, or leave some of your online traffic unencrypted with the split tunneling option. But why would you do that? Let’s compare split tunnel vs. full tunnel VPNs to find out how they differ and which one you should…
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April 4, 2024 0