Tag: Cybersecurity

Cosa sono gli spyware e come ci si può proteggere?

Lo spyware rappresenta una delle più diffuse tipologie di attacco informatico in grado di colpire gli utenti della rete. Spesso mascherato da mero inconveniente tecnico, può essere facilmente sottovalutato, ma in realtà nasconde dei seri pericoli e può compromettere la sicurezza dei dati personali. In questo articolo vedremo nel dettaglio cos’è lo spyware, cosa comporta…
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May 14, 2024 0

VPN-Lösungen für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen

Ein VPN für kleine und mittelständische Firmen ist aufgrund der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung eine gute Idee. Wer die Systeme aber unzureichend schützt, ermöglicht es Cyberkriminellen, sensible Firmen- und Kundendaten zu stehlen oder Geräte und Prozesse sogar zu sabotieren. Es gibt viele Schwachstellen, die es abzusichern gilt – den Angreifern genügt bereits ein Schwachpunkt, um großen Schaden…
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May 14, 2024 0

Was ist Malvertising und wie schützt man sich davor?

Werbebanner, Sidebars und Pop-ups sind im Internet allgegenwärtig. Die meisten sind nur bunte Ablenkungen, aber einige sind Malvertising-Werbung, die nur zu dem Zweck erstellt wurde, dein Gerät mit Schadsoftware und Viren zu infizieren. Was also ist Malvertising und wie kannst du dich davor schützen? Was ist Malvertising? Malvertising (Wortzusammensetzung aus Malicious und Advertising; übersetzt Schädliche…
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May 13, 2024 0

Entenda o golpe da restituição do imposto de renda: como se proteger

As restituições do imposto de renda são bastante importantes para qualquer pessoa que precisa pagar o imposto no Brasil. E os golpistas aproveitam para realizar uma série de golpes e ataques envolvendo as restituições, tanto que a Receita Federal já emitiu um alerta sobre os perigos destes golpes virtuais. Os alertas dados pela Receita Federal…
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May 13, 2024 0

What is email encryption, and how does it work?

If someone intercepts your emails, your personal information might be compromised. That’s why security-aware companies and individuals are turning to email encryption – a process of protecting the content of their emails from cybercriminals. Let’s explore how email encryption works and if you should use it. What is email encryption? Email encryption is a process…
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May 10, 2024 0

Er det sikkert at bruge Temu? Det skal du vide, før du bestiller på siden

Onlineforhandleren Temu er en populær ny shoppingplatform, der tilbyder mistænkeligt lave priser på en bred vifte af varer. Men er platformen overhovedet sikker at bruge? I denne artikel ser vi nærmere på Temu og dykker ned i ejerforhold, sikkerheden og lovligheden på den nye online shoppingplatform. Hvad er Temu? Temu er en e-handelsplatform, som har…
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May 8, 2024 0

Bad Rabbit ransomware: Everything you need to know

Bad Rabbit is a piece of ransomware that blitzed through Europe, Asia, and the U.S. in 2017. In a couple of months, it targeted hundreds of infrastructure objects, news agencies, and private companies. And then, suddenly, it was gone. While Bad Rabbit hasn’t resurfaced for years, the lessons it taught us are still valuable. Here,…
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May 4, 2024 0

The dilemma of paying a ransom: Should you make ransomware payments?

Ransomware attacks are an increasing threat to both individuals and organizations. Ransomware is a type of malware that infects and encrypts your files, leaving you unable to open them. The attackers then demand a ransom payment in exchange for a decryption program. So should you pay the ransom? Let’s discuss how you should respond to…
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May 2, 2024 0

NordVPN voegt cyberverzekering toe aan cybersecurity-toolkit

NordVPN voegt essentiële cyberverzekeringsvoordelen toe aan haar aanbod voor klanten in Nederland. Door met betrouwbare verzekeringsmaatschappijen samen te werken, biedt NordVPN nu nog meer bescherming door klanten die door een cyberaanval worden getroffen tot € 5.000 te vergoeden. NordVPN introduceert cyberverzekeringsvoordelen Met de ontwikkeling van tools voor kunstmatige intelligentie neemt het aantal vormen van oplichting…
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May 2, 2024 0

10 common Zelle scams: How to avoid them

Zelle has become a popular app for sending money between friends or paying for services. It’s also easy to use and in most cases, the money sent is transferred instantly. Unfortunately, those same properties have also made Zelle a common target for scammers and thieves. What are Zelle scams? Zelle scams are any type of…
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April 29, 2024 0