Tag: Cybersecurity

Different types of cybersecurity insurance

Investing in cybersecurity insurance is becoming a common practice to more efficiently recover from the damage malicious actors can impose on businesses. What is cybersecurity insurance, is it for business only, and what benefits (or disadvantages) does it provide? What is cyber insurance and why do you need it? Cyber insurance (also known as cyber…
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April 26, 2024 0

Vous partez en vacances ? Nos conseils pour économiser et améliorer votre cybersécurité

Un voyage à l’étranger est une expérience enrichissante, mais cela peut aussi devenir une source de stress financier. De plus, la sécurité des données est devenue une préoccupation majeure, en particulier lors des déplacements. Dans cet article, retrouvez 3 conseils incontournables pour réaliser de belles économies sur votre prochain séjour tout en protégeant vos informations…
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April 21, 2024 0

What are the main split tunneling security risks, and how can you prevent them?

Split tunneling lets some of your apps access the internet outside the secure VPN tunnel for more speed and utility — but if you’re not careful, you can end up exposing sensitive data to danger. In this article, we explore common VPN split tunneling risks and how you can minimize them. What split tunneling security…
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April 20, 2024 0

What is the Mirai botnet, and how does it spread?

With more digital devices connected to the internet every year, attacks like those perpetrated by the Mirai botnet malware continue to be a serious threat. This malicious software was used in devastating DDoS attacks starting in 2014, and although its code has now been released, copycats and mutations are still wreaking havoc. The best way…
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April 16, 2024 0

Hva er et man-in-the-middle angrep?

E-posten din og passordene dine er kanskje ikke så trygge som du tror. Hvis du er offer for et man-in-the-middle (MITM) angrep, kan noen være i stand til å se hvert eneste trekk du gjør på nett. I slike angrep spionerer hackere på nettsurfingen din og venter på det perfekte tidspunktet til å slå til.…
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April 14, 2024 0

Spam vs. phishing: What are the differences?

Spam is annoying in all its forms. Phishing can be particularly annoying, but it can also lead to fear, anger, and frustration. Spam can come in the form of emails, text messages, phone calls, and comments under your social media posts. You may similarly be exposed to phishing. Spam is generally safe, although tiresome —…
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April 12, 2024 0

What is a sneaker bot, and how does it work?

The sneaker market is booming and is projected to reach over{‘ ‘} $145 billion by 2030 . This growth not only spells success for the industry but also marks a ripe opportunity for sneaker bot users to profit from an already lucrative market. In this blog post, we’ll explore what sneaker botting entails, how these…
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April 11, 2024 0

How to spot a credit card skimmer

Credit card skimmers are fraudulent devices that can steal credit or debit card credentials and cause huge financial harm. This article explains how credit card skimmers work and how to spot them. What is a credit card skimmer? Credit card skimmers are devices criminals use to steal card information at ATMs, gas pumps, and other…
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April 10, 2024 0

What is privilege escalation? Everything you need to know

Imagine that you wanted to enter a restricted area that’s forbidden to you. How would you try to do it? Snatching an ID card or key would make sense. Or maybe you could steal someone else’s clothes to con your way in. These tactics work in the digital world as well – they’re called privilege…
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April 1, 2024 0

Nollapäivähaavoittuvuudet, -hyökkäykset ja niiden hyödyntäminen: Kaikki mitä sinun tulisi tietää

Useimmilla sovelluksilla voi olla ohjelmistovirheitä, mutta mitä jos ohjelmistovirheet avaisivatkin takaoven hakkerille? Tilanne olisi pahin, jos kehittäjät eivät ole tietoisia tästä haavoittuvuudesta. Rikolliset voivat hyödyntää näitä nollapäivähaavoittuvuuksia kuukausien tai jopa vuosien ajan ennen kuin ne korjataan. Mitä nämä haavoittuvuudet ovat ja kuinka paljon vahinkoa ne voivat aiheuttaa? Mikä on nollapäivähaavoittuvuus? “Nollapäivähaavoittuvuus” tarkoittaa ohjelmisto- tai laitteistohaavoittuvuutta,…
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March 27, 2024 0