Tag: Cybersecurity

Everything you need to know about ATM jackpotting attacks

ATM jackpotting might sound like a casino game, but that’s far from the truth. Jackpotting is illegal cash extraction from ATMs, and it’s not the violent act we see in the movies, where criminals attach ropes to cars and rip the whole thing out. So, how are ATM jackpotting attacks actually performed? Read on to…
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January 24, 2024 0

What is STaaS? Storage as a service explained

People are constantly generating data. Even this article is data — and it has to be stored somewhere. Managing and storing data is an important part of many businesses, and with the demand for more storage space growing exponentially, new technology has emerged to help us deal with it. Today, we will explore storage as…
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January 23, 2024 0

O que é jailbreak? É seguro?

O que é jailbreak? É um recurso seguro? Muitos entusiastas de iPhone gostam de customizar os aparelhos e dar um toque mais pessoal. E outros gostam de fazer alterações em um nível ainda mais profundo e técnico. É por isso que é fundamental saber o que é jailbreak, se é algo seguro, quais os riscos…
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January 22, 2024 0

O que é o Google Dorks e como ele é utilizado pelos hackers

Você sabe o que é o Google Dorks e como ele afeta sua segurança digital? Aqui, nós vamos explorar este tema, saber o que é o Google Dorking e passar dicas importantes de como proteger suas informações de forma eficiente. Índice O que é Google Dorking? A história do Google Dorking Sobre a Google Hacking…
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January 20, 2024 0

What is data hoarding, and what risks does it pose?

Data hoarding takes many forms, from storing digital assets with potential value to accumulating useless data that only induces stress. So, what exactly is data hoarding, and what consequences can it have for a person or organization? Learn about the types of data hoarding, how it can affect your life, and how to stop and…
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January 19, 2024 0

How to remove the Search Baron virus from a Mac

The Search Baron redirect virus is one way that a malicious attack can be done on Mac devices. While it doesn’t cause immediate or significant harm to Mac users, this type of attack can be a prelude to more serious attacks in the future. Removing it requires adjusting your system preferences and adopting changes in…
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January 18, 2024 0

What is Heartbleed? The Heartbleed vulnerability explained

Heartbleed is a security vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptography library carried out through the TLS heartbeat extension. Google Security first discovered this bug in 2014. However, it still is a security threat to many businesses and organizations. So it is crucial to understand how Heartbleed exploits vulnerable OpenSSL versions, its potential harm, and ways to…
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January 17, 2024 0

Cyber extortion: What is it and how to protect yourself

Cyber extortion can cause individuals and businesses financial loss, service disruption, and reputation damage. In this article, we’ll explore how cyber extortion works, how to prevent it, and how you can protect yourself from cyber criminals and their tactics. Contents What is cyber extortion? How does cyber extortion work? Most common types of cyber extortion…
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January 11, 2024 0

Exploit: o que é, tipos de exploit e como se proteger

Saiba mais sobre o que é um exploit, quais os principais tipos e categorias de exploits e como eles prejudicam sua segurança online e, claro, como se proteger da melhor maneira possível contra este tipo de ciberameaça. Índice O que é exploit? Como os ataques de exploit funcionam Tipos de exploits Quanto custam os exploits?…
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January 9, 2024 0