Tag: Cybersecurity

Je telefoon luistert mee – feit of fabel?

Je telefoon luistert met je mee via virtual assistant-apps, maar deze worden pas geactiveerd als je ze een stemcommando geeft. Toch merk je soms vreemde dingen op. Nadat je een vriend over je volgende vakantie naar Italië hebt verteld, word je online om de oren geslagen met vliegtickets naar Rome en hotels in Florence. Luistert…
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February 21, 2024 0

What are Google dorks? Google dorks cheat sheet and guide

The phrase “Google dorks” might sound misleading, but it actually refers to a clever way of refining your Google search results. Learn how Google dorking works and look up the relevant dorks in our cheat sheet to get targeted search results. What are Google dorks? Google dorks, or Google hacks, are specific search queries that…
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February 13, 2024 0

Viruses on Chromebook: How to check for and get rid of them

If you’re a Chromebook user, you’ll be glad to know that your device has one of the most secure operating systems on the market. However, no device is immune to all viruses and malware, especially the ones that spread via phishing. Improve your online security by checking your Chromebook for viruses and removing them as…
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February 11, 2024 0

Ist booking.com sicher?

Die Buchungsseite booking.com ist ein Portal, über das User Hotels, Flüge und Mietwagen buchen können. Die Seite bietet Angebote weltweit und wird von vielen Menschen rund um den Globus genutzt. In der Vergangenheit kam es aber leider auch immer wieder zu Betrug auf der Seite, daher ergibt sich für viele Nutzer die Frage, wie sicher…
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February 9, 2024 0

Steganography explained: Meaning, types, and examples

Steganography is a word for the old art of hiding secrets in plain sight. As communication has changed, so have the methods for hiding it. Discover the tool used by spies, government agencies, and other mysterious individuals. What is steganography? Steganography is a centuries-old tradition. In the past, people wrote their secret messages in invisible…
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February 8, 2024 0

Käyttäjän manipulointi: 12 esimerkkiä

Monet ajattelevat olevansa liian fiksuja tullakseen huijatuksi – myös he, joille niin käy. Käyttäjän manipulointi -hyökkäyksissä (englanniksi social engineering, suomeksi myös sosiaalinen manipulointi) hakkerit, huijarit ja varkaat käyttävät monenlaisia tekniikoita arvokkaiden tietojen varastamiseen. Katso alta, minkälaisia strategioita käyttäjien manipulointi -hyökkäyksiin käytetään, jotta osaat varoa niitä. Mitä käyttäjän manipulointi tarkoittaa? Käyttäjän manipuloinnin määritelmä Käyttäjän manipulointi tarkoittaa…
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February 8, 2024 0

Ytmp3.cc virus: Simple steps how to remove it

If you’ve ever attempted to convert videos and download audio from YouTube, you may have heard about the ytmp3.cc converter. However, most YouTube converters are untrustworthy online tools, and using them poses a risk of infecting your device with malware. Learn what precisely a ytmp3.cc virus is, how to remove it from your device if…
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February 7, 2024 0

What is PaaS, platform as a service?

Developers consistently require technological and service innovation to enhance the usability of development tools. Aside from improvements in operating systems, technologies like cloud computing, and other advancements, application development has improved drastically with the rise of cloud computing services like platform as a service (PaaS). Here’s how this cloud computing model can help enhance application…
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February 6, 2024 0

Main types of password attacks and vulnerabilities and how to prevent them

Password attacks are some of the most common ways cyberattackers can gain access to sensitive accounts and personal data. What makes password attacks in cybersecurity so troublesome to deal with is that all it takes is one weak link for malicious actors to gain access to sensitive data. Here’s what you need to be aware…
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February 6, 2024 0

What is a replay attack?

Hackers can eavesdrop and intercept your internet traffic and then use it to gain access to your accounts and online profiles. While this might sound like the plot from an action movie, it’s exactly what a replay attack is all about. What are the common methods in replay attacks, and how can you protect yourself?…
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February 6, 2024 0