Tag: ddos

The most common types of cybersecurity threats in 2024

Massive, high-profile cyberattacks have plagued 2024, highlighting the increasing prevalence of common types of cybersecurity threats. Cybercriminals are increasingly using more sophisticated methods to bypass traditional security measures. From phishing emails that can steal your password to changes in the lines of code that can cause the entire security infrastructure to crumble — here are…
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July 24, 2024 0

DDoS 攻擊是什麼?含義、類型和偵測

DDoS 攻擊會破壞組織的正常運作,導致使用者無法使用其網站和線上服務。此種惡意網路犯罪是當今主要的網路安全問題之一。請繼續閱讀,瞭解 DDoS 攻擊是什麼、其運作方式以及要如何保護自己。 內容 DDoS 攻擊是什麼? DDoS 攻擊如何運作? 如何偵測 DDoS 攻擊? 最常見的 DDoS 攻擊類型 1. TCP 連線攻擊 2. 巨流量攻擊 3. 碎片攻擊 4. 應用程式層攻擊 DDoS 攻擊造成的損失 是否可以追蹤 DDoS 攻擊? 如何防範和保護自己免於 DDoS 攻擊 DDoS 攻擊是什麼? 分散式阻斷服務(DDoS)攻擊是一種網路犯罪,此種形式的網路攻擊涉及駭客使用虛假請求淹沒伺服器、服務或網路,進而破壞目標伺服器、服務或網路的正常流量,阻斷使用者存取網站和使用服務。 DDoS 攻擊會破壞目標伺服器或網站的正常運行。其會耗盡目標的運算資源,使網站或服務變得緩慢、沒有回應,甚至完全無法向合法使用者提供服務。但 DDoS 攻擊的運作方式到底為何? DDoS 攻擊如何運作? DDoS 攻擊的效果之所以非常強大,是因為其使用多台電腦或裝置進行攻擊。駭客透過感染各種裝置,將其轉化為機器人,並建立起一個殭屍網路,遠端操控向特定的 IP 地址發動攻擊。導致伺服器的網路資源或系統資源耗盡,使其暫時中斷連線或停止服務,以無法對正常使用者提供服務。 DDoS 攻擊可持續 24 小時以上,而且難以追跡。您的電腦可能是僵屍網路大軍的一員,秘密執行惡意命令,您甚至不會察覺,這很難發現,因為唯一的徵兆可能是裝置效能略有下降或裝置過熱。轟炸目標的流量來自受到感染的合法裝置。這使得區分真實流量和惡意流量變得更加困難。 DDoS 攻擊可以針對網路連線的特定組件進行攻擊。透過網際網路建立的每個連接都要經過 OSI 網路架構。大多數 DDoS 攻擊發生在以下三個層級:…
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July 5, 2024 0

Che cos’è un attacco informatico? Guida completa

Un attacco informatico può manifestarsi sotto diverse forme, tra cui malware, attacchi di phishing, DDoS e molto altro. Le sue conseguenze possono essere gravi, come la perdita di informazioni sensibili, lo svuotamento di conti bancari e il furto di identità. Esistono però diversi metodi per difendersi. e comprendere quali sono le varie tipologie di attacchi…
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June 10, 2024 0

누군가 내 IP 주소를 악용한다면?

IP 주소는 온라인에서 정보를 주고받는 데 필수적인 요소입니다. 하지만 해커가 사용자의 IP 주소를 알고 있다면 이를 이용해 사용자에 대한 중요한 정보를 탈취할 수 있습니다. 더 나아가 해커는 이를 광범위한 공격의 출발점으로 삼아 사용자의 디바이스를 해킹하거나 온라인 트래픽을 가로챌 수 있습니다. 목차 다른 사람이 내 IP 주소를 어떻게 찾을 수 있나요? IP 주소 추적은 합법인가요? 타인이…
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December 18, 2023 0

수동으로 IP 주소를 변경하는 방법: 종합 가이드

IP(인터넷 프로토콜) 주소를 변경하면 네트워킹 문제를 해결하고 온라인 위험에 대응할 수 있습니다. 이 도움말에서는 Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS를 비롯한 모든 주요 운영 체제에서 IP 주소 변경 방법에 대한 전체 가이드를 제공합니다. 목차 IP 변경을 고려해야 하는 이유는 무엇인가요? IP 주소를 수동으로 변경하는 방법 Windows 10에서 IP 변경하기 Windows 11에서 IP 변경하기 Mac에서 IP 변경하기…
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December 15, 2023 0

Was ist ein DDoS-Angriff? Erklärung und Schutz

DDoS-Angriffe können den normalen Betrieb einer Organisation stören und ihre Webseite und Online-Dienste für die Nutzer unzugänglich machen. Diese böswilligen Attacken sind heute eines der größten Probleme für die Cybersicherheit. Lies weiter, um zu erfahren, was DDoS-Angriffe sind, wie sie funktionieren und wie du dich schützen kannst. Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist ein DDoS-Angriff? Wie funktioniert ein…
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December 11, 2023 0

DoS vs. DDoS: A comparison and differences in the attacks

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack, similarly to a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, can hinder the network and make it unavailable for users. However, here’s where their similarities end. Find out the main differences between DoS and DDoS and the best ways to prevent these attacks from impairing your network. Contents DoS vs DDoS attacks: What are…
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December 6, 2023 0

502 Bad Gateway: Was ist das und wie kann man den Fehler beheben?

Die Fehlermeldung 502 Bad Gateway ist einer der häufigsten HTTP-Statuscodes. Aber wofür steht „502 Bad Gateway“ eigentlich und was ist die Ursache? Erfahre hier mehr dazu, damit du in Zukunft weißt, wie du damit umgehen musst. Inhalt des Artikels Was ist 502 Bad Gateway? Ähnliche Fehlermeldungen wie 502 Bad Gateway Was verursacht einen 502 Bad…
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November 30, 2023 0

What are DDoS attack tools? Six methods to avoid them

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are among the most widespread cyber threats today. There are several tools that can be employed to execute them. What are they, and, more importantly, how do you protect yourself from them? Contents What are DDoS attack tools? What are the ways to protect against DDoS attack tools? How are DDoS…
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November 16, 2023 0

What is the ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)?

The ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is a protocol used by devices to diagnose network communication problems. Network administrators commonly use it to determine whether networks work properly, but it can also be abused by hackers to launch DDoS attacks. Contents What is the ICMP protocol? ICMP vs. TCP What is the function of the…
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November 8, 2023 0