Tag: engineering blog

How to sync data from MySQL to Google BigQuery using Debezium and Kafka Connect

Syncing data from a MySQL database to Google BigQuery can be a great way to keep your data up to date and easily accessible for analysis. In this article, we will explore the process of setting up Debezium and Kafka Connect to sync data from MySQL to BigQuery, providing you with all the information you…
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September 9, 2023 0

Rendering Storyblok Rich Text in Astro

Rendering Rich Text elements in headless content management systems (CMS) like Storyblok can be challenging. We decided to carry out this process with Astro. Here is what we learned in the process. Using an official integration The Storyblok CMS has many integrations for various frontend frameworks including React, Vue, and Svelte. Luckily for us, they…
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July 28, 2023 0

Binary memory protection measures on Windows OS

Binary memory protection is a core part of cybersecurity, but there are many different options for implementing it. In this article, we explore common mechanisms and protection measures for Windows OS. Why is binary memory protection important? You may remember when the Blaster worm struck the internet, or more recently when WannaCry{‘ ‘} caused global…
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June 27, 2023 0