Tag: File sharing

Qu’est-ce que le P2P (peer-to-peer) ? Définition, fonctionnement et cas d’utilisation

Le peer-to-peer (P2P) facilite le partage de ressources entre les utilisateurs de manière directe, sans serveur intermédiaire. Popularisé par des plateformes telles que Napster, BitTorrent et eMule, ce système a bouleversé la manière dont les fichiers sont échangés en ligne. Mais il s’est également heurté à des problèmes juridiques, notamment en matière de droits d’auteur.…
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June 7, 2024 0

O que é P2P (peer-to-peer)? Significado e exemplos de utilização

Você provavelmente já deve ter visto a sigla P2P. Mas você sabe o que ela significa? Aqui, nós vamos abordar o que é P2P e por que essa tecnologia é tão importante para as empresas e os usuários em geral. O que é uma rede P2P (peer-to-peer)? P2P é a sigla para peer-to-peer, ou pessoa…
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June 5, 2024 0

Network File System (NFS): Everything you need to know

Network File System (NFS) is a protocol that allows users to access files stored on a remote machine. Although decades old, it’s still widely used by many companies that need to make their resources available to users through corporate networks. Learn more about this protocol and its strengths and drawbacks. What is NFS? Network File…
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March 27, 2024 0

How to transfer files from Windows to Mac and vice versa

If you’re looking to transfer data from your PC to Mac devices, you may find that sharing files can be difficult depending on the size and format of all the files that you need to move. However, you have reliable and relatively simple ways of transferring files from PC to Mac. Some even work without…
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March 26, 2024 0

What is STaaS? Storage as a service explained

People are constantly generating data. Even this article is data — and it has to be stored somewhere. Managing and storing data is an important part of many businesses, and with the demand for more storage space growing exponentially, new technology has emerged to help us deal with it. Today, we will explore storage as…
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January 23, 2024 0

Wat is NFC en wat kun je ermee doen?

NFC is een technologie waarmee apparaten binnen een korte afstand veilig en draadloos informatie met elkaar kunnen delen. Van contactloze betalingen tot het supersnel uitwisselen van gegevens, deze technologie maakt draadloze communicatie effectief en eenvoudig. In dit artikel leggen we uit hoe NFC werkt, wat je ermee kunt doen en hoe veilig het is. Inhoud…
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December 13, 2023 0