Tag: google

De 12 beste YouTube alternativene og konkurrentene

Tror du at ved å se på tilfeldige videoer på YouTube ikke vil avsløre mye informasjon om deg? Du tar feil. Det er overraskende hvor mye data Google bruker for å forstå hvem du er og hva du liker eller misliker. Nå er tiden inne for å gjenvinne personvernet ditt og se etter et YouTube-alternativ…
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March 28, 2024 0

O que é o Google Dorks e como ele é utilizado pelos hackers

Você sabe o que é o Google Dorks e como ele afeta sua segurança digital? Aqui, nós vamos explorar este tema, saber o que é o Google Dorking e passar dicas importantes de como proteger suas informações de forma eficiente. Índice O que é Google Dorking? A história do Google Dorking Sobre a Google Hacking…
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January 20, 2024 0

Can Google Critical Security Alert be a scam? Learn how to recognize it

The Google Critical Security Alert is designed to warn users whenever unauthorized entities try to access their Google account. However, cybercriminals have found ways to turn this security feature into a phishing scam. Discover how hackers use Google security alerts to their advantage and what to do if you receive a scam email. Contents What…
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December 21, 2023 0

Inwieweit lässt sich ein VPN zurückverfolgen?

Mit einem VPN können dein Internetverkehr und deine IP-Adresse nicht mehr zurückverfolgt werden. Aber kann ein VPN deine digitale Anonymität garantieren? Kann jemand trotzdem deine Surf-Aktivitäten überwachen? Das hängt zum großen Teil von deinem Online-Verhalten ab und davon, wie zuverlässig das VPN ist. Inhaltsverzeichnis Kann ein VPN zurückverfolgt werden? Wie ein VPN zurückverfolgt werden kann…
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December 11, 2023 0

Kan man spores med en VPN?

Med en VPN kan din webtrafik og IP-adresse ikke længere spores. Men vil en VPN kunne garantere din digitale anonymitet? Kan nogen stadig afkode dine browsingaktiviteter? Det kommer meget an på din onlineadfærd, og hvor pålidelig VPN’en er. Indhold Hvad kan man skjule med en VPN? Hvem kan spore mig online? Kan jeg spores med…
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December 7, 2023 0

What are passkeys? Should you use them?

Passwords have been the standard for account security ever since the early days of the Internet. But despite how straightforward it is to use passwords, it’s far from the most secure way to log in to your accounts — which is where passkey login can help. While relatively new as a security feature, passkeys have…
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December 6, 2023 0

What is Google DNS, and how do you start using it?

Google DNS is the largest public DNS server available for free worldwide. Read our guide and learn how to change your device’s settings to use Google DNS. Contents What is Google Public DNS? Why switch to Google DNS? How to start using Google DNS on your device Set up Google DNS on Windows Set up…
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December 5, 2023 0

I migliori motori di ricerca non tracciabili

Nonostante oggi la maggior parte degli utenti italiani preferisca ancora affidarsi a Google per le proprie ricerche online (gli ultimi dati aggiornati parlano di una fetta di mercato superiore al 90%), bisogna sapere che ci sono motori di ricerca alternativi che offrono un livello di privacy superiore e proteggono maggiormente i dati trasmessi durante l’attività…
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October 29, 2023 0

A guide to removing your personal information from Google search

It’s unsettling to know that strangers can find your personal information in a couple of seconds by simply using Google search, so no wonder you would like to remove it. Find out what information you can remove from Google and how to do it. Contents Why remove personal information from Google? What information can you…
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October 5, 2023 0
earth globe with googly eyes on gray background

Turn off location tracking on Android

As convenient as it is when an app shows you which stores or restaurants are nearby — there are some privacy concerns to be considered. Did you really mean to give your weekday travel routine to Google? Are you ok with knowing that Facebook’s AI now has access to study your behavioral patterns?

December 30, 2020 0