Tag: identity theft

O que é um deepfake?

Os deepfakes são vídeos que foram manipulados usando inteligência artificial (IA), sendo uma crescente preocupação para governos, agências de autoridade e cidadãos particulares. Estes conteúdos de média sintetizados podem ser muito convincentes e poderão um dia minar a nossa capacidade de confiar nos nossos próprios olhos. Mas o que é a tecnologia deepfake? E porque…
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November 15, 2023 0

Data theft: What is it and how can you avoid data loss?

Hackers steal data to create fake accounts, rob people of their benefits and savings, or draw companies into elaborate ransomware attacks. Many different factors contribute to enabling threat actors to steal your sensitive data. Find out how data theft happens, what information is usually targeted, and how to protect your personal data. Contents What is…
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November 1, 2023 0

How to detect and prevent identity theft

With our personal information being available online, criminals come up with more and more advanced ways to steal identities. So, understanding how to detect and prevent identity theft becomes crucial. This article will uncover the warning signs of identity theft and provide you with countermeasures. Contents How to check if someone is using my identity…
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October 27, 2023 0

How should you respond to the theft of your identity?

Imagine waking up one day to find out that someone on the other side of the world is pretending to be you, spending your money, or even committing crimes in your name. You’ve been a victim of identity theft — all because you overshared online. Contents Steps to take if your identity was stolen How…
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October 19, 2023 0

NordVPN survey reveals: Nearly two-thirds of Americans are afraid of financial cybercrimes

NordVPN has commissioned a cybersecurity fear survey to reveal which cybercrimes worry Americans the most. The results show that the theft of identity, bank credentials, and payment card information is considered the most severe threat. Read on to discover all of the findings. About the cyber fears survey NordVPN commissioned a survey to find out…
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September 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey reveals: More than two-thirds of Canadians are afraid of financial cybercrimes

NordVPN has commissioned a cybersecurity fear survey to reveal which cybercrimes worry Canadians the most. The results show that the theft of identity, bank credentials, and payment card information is considered the most severe threat. Read on to discover all of the findings. About the cyber fears survey NordVPN commissioned a survey to find out…
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September 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey reveals: More than two-thirds of Brits are afraid of financial cybercrimes

NordVPN has commissioned a cybersecurity fear survey to reveal which cybercrimes worry Brits the most. The results show that the theft of identity, bank credentials, and payment card information is considered the most severe threat. Read on to discover all of the findings. About the cyber fears survey NordVPN commissioned a survey to find out…
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September 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey reveals: More than two-thirds of Australians are afraid of financial cybercrimes

NordVPN has commissioned a cybersecurity fear survey to reveal which cybercrimes worry Australians the most. The results show that the theft of identity, bank credentials, and payment card information is considered the most severe threat. Read on to discover all of the findings. About the cyber fears survey NordVPN commissioned a survey to find out…
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September 20, 2023 0

El intento de phishing en las elecciones 23J

El 23 de julio se celebran elecciones generales en España, una ocasión en la que los ciberdelincuentes quieren encontrar nuevas víctimas. Su técnica es enviar correos electrónicos phishing con información falsa relacionada con el censo electoral o las formaciones de las mesas. Las autoridades españolas advierten de que estas notificaciones solo se reciben por correo…
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July 16, 2023 0

What are the safest ways to pay online?

Online payments have become an everyday occurrence for much of the world. Whether it’s paying bills or just some online shopping, the convenience of paying online instead of in person can’t be denied. However, with the potential threat of hackers and fraudsters getting hold of your credentials, what are the safest ways to pay online?…
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July 6, 2023 0