Tag: internet of things

IIoT vs. IoT: Key differences explained

IIoT and IoT are two commonly confused terms. Both refer to the internet of things, a category of internet-connected smart devices. However, IIoT focuses on industrial applications, while IoT encompasses devices used in both professional and personal contexts. Follow this guide to learn more about their distinct uses and benefits across different environments. What is…
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November 10, 2024 0

Apa itu Internet of Things? Pengertian, Cara Kerja dan sejarahnya

Cara kerja Internet of Things lebih dari sekadar menggunakan suara Anda untuk memanaskan oven terlebih dahulu atau menggunakan ponsel Anda untuk mematikan lampu. Internet of Things diperkirakan akan mengubah masa depan lingkungan kita. Internet of Things (IoT) dapat digunakan untuk peralatan rumah tangga lalu juga perangkat yang dapat dikenakan hingga peralatan industri dan kendaraan. Konsep…
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August 22, 2024 0

Why Facebook smart glasses threaten privacy

Facebook has teamed up with Ray-Ban to launch a line of relatively inexpensive smart glasses — but what you’re saving on price, you might end up paying in privacy. In this article, we explore how the Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses work and what risks they pose to your privacy. What are the Facebook smart glasses?…
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April 3, 2024 0

Amazon Astro: User privacy concerns

If you were searching for a solution to monitor your home while you’re away or help with household duties, you’ve probably heard about the Amazon Astro robot. Though it can ease your everyday life, the robot has also received critique from the cybersecurity community about how much privacy it can actually offer. In the end,…
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March 5, 2024 0

Internet of Things (IoT): tutto ciò che c’è da sapere nel 2024

L’Internet delle Cose, o Internet of Things in inglese, è l’insieme di tutti quegli oggetti di uso quotidiano solitamente non associati a computer o simili ma che sono comunque collegati a Internet e in grado di inviare e ricevere dati. Essendo connessi alla rete, sono vulnerabili a diversi attacchi informatici, da cui però ci si…
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December 18, 2023 0

Security tips for your smart home

Smart speakers, security cameras, video doorbells, and washing machines turned on remotely can simplify our daily lives and enhance convenience. While these devices shape our habits, we need to think about our smart home safety and the privacy of our data. Read this article to find out more about smart devices’ privacy concerns and learn…
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August 25, 2023 0