Tag: Limit tracking

Can private browsing be traced on the iPhone?

Private browsing is a helpful tool to hide your search history on many devices, including your iPhone. But have you ever wondered how much privacy the private window actually grants you? Let’s find out how effective Safari’s incognito mode is and how to enhance it. Contents What is private browsing? How to turn on private…
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August 6, 2023 0

How to clear the cache on an iPhone: An easy guide

Clearing your iPhone cache can free up some precious storage space on your device and even improve its performance. Unfortunately, it can be tricky to clear your app cache on an iPhone because iOS does not provide an in-built feature for this purpose. To save time on researching the best ways for clearing your iPhone…
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August 2, 2023 0

How to clear the cache on your Xbox One quickly and easily

Whenever your Xbox One accumulates too much in its cache, the stored data starts to hinder its performance and slows the console down. In this guide, we’ll explain what the cache is and how to clear it. We’ll also look into other solutions that may help preserve your console’s optimal performance. Contents Understanding the Xbox…
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July 27, 2023 0

IP 欺騙是什麼,您又要如何保護自己?

您的 IP 位址是您線上身份的一部分,但如果被人盜用了呢?他們即可監聽您的流量、竊取敏感資料,或甚至以您的名義實行網路犯罪。此種類型的攻擊稱為 IP 欺騙。繼續閱讀,了解更多有關此種駭客使用的常見工具以及要如何保護自己。 內容 IP 欺騙是什麼? IP 欺騙如何運作? IP 欺騙的危險 略過防火牆和 IP 授權 阻斷服務攻擊 中間人攻擊 IP 欺騙是否違法? 如何防範 IP 欺騙 IP 欺騙是什麼? IP 欺騙(IP spoofing)係指駭客將封包的原始 IP 位址改成假的 IP 位址,通常會使其看起來像是來自合法來源的流量。駭客也可以反其道而行,偽裝掩蓋接收者的 IP。究竟是什麼使得 IP 欺騙在網路上成為可能? 您的流量會被分成封包,透過網路傳送和接收資訊。封包都是單獨傳送,並在目的地(例如,接收者的裝置或網站的伺服器)組裝。您傳送的每個封包都有一個 IP 標頭,其中包含來源和接收者的 IP 位址等資訊。在正常的連線中,該封包會透過 TCP/IP 通訊協定傳輸。 然而,此種通訊協定存在漏洞。其需要完成 TCP 三次握手,才能在雙方之間傳輸資訊。以下為其運作原理: 來源向接收端傳送 SYN 訊息。此舉建立了連線,並協助兩台裝置同步其序號。 然後,接收端傳送 ACK 訊息,確認已收到 SYN。 來源向接收端傳回 SYN-ACK 訊息,確認安全連線。 IP…
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July 13, 2023 0

What are zombie cookies, and can you block them?

Zombie cookies sound like something out of a horror comedy flick and for good reason. A zombie cookie is not your regular website cookie created to enhance user experience. These insidious third-party cookies can come back to life right after you delete them, just like the undead. So let’s look at how they work, how…
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June 28, 2023 0

How do I stop pop-up ads on my Android phone?

Pop-up ads on Android can be annoying at best and dangerous at worst. Hackers can use online ads to spread malware, so it’s important to be able to block pop-ups. In this article, we’ll show you how to block pop-ups on Android, using Chrome and Firefox. How to stop pop-up ads on Android Shutting down…
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June 26, 2023 0

How to track an IP address

Tracking an IP address can reveal information about a user and their location. In this article, we explain how to track IP address information, and how to prevent your IP address from being traced. What is an IP Address? Your IP address, or internet protocol address, is a string of numbers used to identify your…
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June 23, 2023 0

Tracking and tracing with MAC addresses

Every network interface controller has a media access control address (or MAC address) — a unique identifier consisting of 6 pairs of 2 hexadecimal digits. Because you need a network interface controller to connect, MAC addresses let others track you from network to network. Don’t be alarmed — here’s everything you need to know about…
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June 22, 2023 0

Firefox privacy: 15 tips for secure and private browsing

From tracker blocking to advanced security features – you have many ways to tweak Firefox’s privacy and security settings. But some features provide different levels of privacy and security, while others are not on by default. In this article, we’ll review different ways to improve your Firefox privacy and security. How to improve your Firefox…
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June 11, 2023 0