Tag: NAT

VPN-Passthrough: Was ist das und wie funktioniert es?

Ein VPN-Passthrough ermöglicht es deinem VPN-Datenverkehr, deinen Router zu passieren, ohne blockiert zu werden. Es handelt sich um eine Funktion, die speziell auf ältere VPN-Protokolle zugeschnitten ist, die ohne die Hilfe eines Passthrough-Tunnels keine VPN-Verbindung über einen Router herstellen können. Erfahre, wie das VPN-Passthrough funktioniert und ob du es noch benötigst. Was ist ein VPN-Passthrough?…
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October 25, 2024 0

Our gatekeeper for the world wide web — NAT explained

Network address translation (NAT) is an important networking process that ensures data travels smoothly across the internet and reaches its destination without getting lost during transmission. It helps manage network traffic and keeps devices connected smoothly. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of NAT, break down the technical details about how it works, and…
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September 7, 2024 0

Quali sono i tipi di NAT e come cambiarli?

Il NAT riveste un ruolo fondamentale nel funzionamento della rete Internet, poiché traduce gli indirizzi IP privati delle reti locali in un unico indirizzo IP pubblico, agevolando la comunicazione tra i dispositivi connessi e la rete Internet. In questa guida, esploreremo i principali tipi di NAT e forniremo istruzioni dettagliate su come passare da un…
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June 14, 2024 0

What is a VPN passthrough?

A VPN passthrough is a feature that comes built into your internet router. In this article, we’ll explain how a VPN passthrough works, and how it relates to VPNs and VPN routers. Contents What is a VPN passthrough? How does a VPN passthrough work? What is IPsec passthrough? Advantages Disadvantages How to enable VPN passthrough…
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July 11, 2023 0

Port forwarding your Xbox One

Port forwarding is when you set up your router to redirect certain data packages to different locations. This extra step is often overlooked when using Xbox consoles but can make a huge difference in your Xbox One experience, increasing connection speeds and reducing latency. The following guide will help you get to grips with the…
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June 23, 2023 0

How to open ports on your router

Ever encountered connectivity issues with your home network? It might be the ports interfering with your network. Opening ports{‘ ‘} may enhance routing, which improves multiplayer gaming, interactive live streaming, and file-sharing experiences. Modifying your router can be intimidating, but opening ports on a router doesn’t take much technical know-how. Read on to find out.…
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June 19, 2023 0