Tag: network security

What is threat hunting? A comprehensive guide

Organizations use cyber threat hunting to find and eliminate dangers from digital systems. Even with a sophisticated security system, cyber threats can slip through the cracks. The threat-hunting process uses proactive strategies to identify and remove these threats before they spiral out of control. So, what is threat hunting in cybersecurity, and why is it…
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September 23, 2024 0

Chiave di sicurezza di rete: cos’è e come trovarla

Una chiave di sicurezza di rete, conosciuta più comunemente come password Wi-Fi, è un’informazione di accesso fondamentale per garantire la sicurezza della connessione Internet della rete wireless. Questa chiave viene creata al momento della prima configurazione del router Wi-Fi e sarà necessaria ogni volta che si vorrà connettere un nuovo dispositivo alla rete. In questo…
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June 20, 2024 0

Steganography explained: Meaning, types, and examples

Steganography is a word for the old art of hiding secrets in plain sight. As communication has changed, so have the methods for hiding it. Discover the tool used by spies, government agencies, and other mysterious individuals. What is steganography? Steganography is a centuries-old tradition. In the past, people wrote their secret messages in invisible…
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February 8, 2024 0

Hur du installerar en VPN på din router

Att installera en VPN på din router är enklare än du tror, och kan leda till en stor mängd fördelar som du kanske inte hade förväntat dig. Men att använda en VPN på din router kan också ha sina nackdelar. I den här artikeln går vi igenom varför du ska installera en VPN på din…
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December 28, 2023 0

Was ist Piggybacking und wie unterscheidet es sich vom Tailgating?

In der Cybersicherheit bedeutet Piggybacking, dass Personen ohne Genehmigung auf WLAN-Netzwerke zugreifen können. Das kann eine Reihe von Problemen verursachen, von langsamen Internetgeschwindigkeiten bis hin zu Sicherheitsrisiken. In diesem Artikel erklären wir, was Piggybacking ist und wie du es verhindern kannst. Contents Was ist Piggybacking Piggybacking vs. Tailgating Wie funktioniert Piggybacking? Beispiele für Piggybacking Wie…
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November 15, 2023 0