Tag: NordVPN expertise

Que signifie cloud computing et quels en sont les avantages ?

De plus en plus d’entreprises ont adopté le cloud pour gagner en efficacité, accélérer l’innovation et réduire leurs coûts. Découvrez en quoi consiste le cloud computing, ce qui distingue les différents types de cloud et quels avantages ils présentent pour les organisations. Sommaire Qu’est-ce que le cloud computing ? Les types de cloud computing Cloud…
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November 29, 2023 0

Prognoza zagrożeń cybernetycznych na 2024 rok – według hakerów

Jakich zagrożeń cyberbezpieczeństwa należy się najbardziej obawiać w zbliżającym się roku 2024? NordVPN przeszukał dark web, aby dowiedzieć się, co hakerzy planują na nadchodzący rok. Przyjrzyjmy się prognozom największych cyberzagrożeń w 2024 roku. W tym artykule: Dane z forów dyskusyjnych w darknecie Prognozy dotyczące cyberbezpieczeństwa na rok 2024 Nagie zdjęcia będą popularne w dark webie…
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November 27, 2023 0

NordVPN-onderzoek: 900.000 Nederlanders online opgelicht tijdens Black Friday

Uit onderzoek van NordVPN is gebleken dat ongeveer 900.000 Nederlanders in het verleden slachtoffer zijn geworden van online scams tijdens Black Friday of Cyber Monday. Dit schrikt ons echter niet af – bijna 6 miljoen Nederlanders (30%) zijn van plan om dit jaar tijdens het grootste winkelevenement een goede deal te scoren. Sommigen van hen…
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November 20, 2023 0

NordVPN-Umfrage zeigt: Über 4 Millionen Deutsche wurden am Black Friday betrogen

NordVPN hat eine Umfrage in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und anderen Ländern durchgeführt, die Betrugsversuche beim Online-Shopping aufzeigt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Cyberkriminelle auch während des Black Friday und Cyber Monday Online-Käufer ins Visier nehmen. Es scheint jedoch, dass Online-Betrügereien die Deutschen nicht zu sehr stören. 36% der Menschen hierzulande wollen auf jeden Fall am…
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November 20, 2023 0

2 millones de españoles han sufrido estafas en el Black Friday, según indica una encuesta de NordVPN

Una reciente encuesta elaborada por NordVPN ha puesto de relieve hasta qué punto se multiplican las estafas digitales en España durante el Black Friday y el Cyber Monday. Alrededor de dos millones de españoles han sufrido en el pasado alguna estafa de este tipo durante esta temporada de descuentos, y, pese a todo, la encuesta…
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November 20, 2023 0

Nuovo sondaggio NordVPN: quasi 3 milioni di italiani truffati durante il Black Friday

Un recente sondaggio condotto da NordVPN ha messo in luce una tendenza molto preoccupante nel settore dello shopping online in Italia. Secondo la ricerca, durante il Black Friday e il Cyber Monday, due delle giornate più attese per le offerte e gli sconti che vengono proposti su migliaia articoli di vario tipo, più di 3…
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November 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: More than two million Canadians scammed on Black Friday

NordVPN initiated a survey that revealed some online shopping scam tendencies in Canada. Based on the research results, cybercriminals have targeted almost 18 million Canadians during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. However, it seems like{‘ ‘} online scams do not intimidate Canadians. Half of them plan to participate in this year’s biggest sales. Some of…
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November 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: Almost three million Australians scammed on Black Friday

NordVPN initiated a survey that revealed some online shopping scam tendencies in Australia. Based on the research results, cybercriminals have targeted almost 3 million Aussies during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. However, it seems like{‘ ‘} online scams do not intimidate Aussies. Half of them plan to participate in this year’s biggest sales. Some of…
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November 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: Almost five million Brits scammed on Black Friday

NordVPN initiated a survey that revealed some online shopping scam tendencies in the UK. Based on the research results, cybercriminals have targeted five million Brits during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. However, it seems like{‘ ‘} online scams do not intimidate Brits. Half of them plan to participate in this year’s biggest sales. Some of…
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November 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: Nearly 34 million Americans scammed on Black Friday

NordVPN initiated a survey that revealed some online shopping scam tendencies in the US. Based on the research results, cybercriminals have targeted 34 million Americans during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. However, it seems like{‘ ‘} online scams do not intimidate Americans. Half of them plan to participate in this year’s biggest sales. Some of…
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November 20, 2023 0