Tag: nordvpn survey

¿Cuáles son los sitios más peligrosos para tu dispositivo?

Internet está lleno de amenazas, exactamente igual que ocurre en nuestra realidad cotidiana. Una nueva investigación de NordVPN ha revelado los lugares más peligrosos para utilizar un dispositivo como un smartphone o un portátil. Vamos a desglosar los resultados para que puedas identificar los sitios con acceso a internet que están comprometiendo tu seguridad en…
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October 31, 2023 0

W jakich miejscach Twoje urządzenia są najbardziej zagrożone?

Świat internetowy i świat realny są pełne zagrożeń. Najnowsze badanie przeprowadzone przez NordVPN ujawniło najbardziej niebezpieczne miejsca do korzystania z inteligentnych urządzeń jak telefon czy laptop. Miejsca te to konkretne środki transportu czy nawet całe kraje – przeanalizujmy wyniki. W tym artykule: Co powoduje, że dane miejsce jest niebezpieczne dla urządzeń? Co wynika z danych?…
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October 30, 2023 0

What are the most dangerous places for your device?

The internet is full of threats, but so is the real world. New research from NordVPN has revealed the riskiest places to use a smart device like a phone or laptop. From specific modes of transport to entire nations, let’s break down the results. What is a risky place for a device? The primary risk…
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October 30, 2023 0

National Privacy Test: Australia and New Zealand rank fourth in the world

The National Privacy Test is a global survey that allows people worldwide to evaluate their cybersecurity and digital privacy awareness. The most recent results show that, while global cybersecurity awareness is declining, New Zealand and Australia participants know a lot about staying safe online, sharing fourth place with several other countries. Let’s uncover more. Contents…
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August 31, 2023 0

National Privacy Test: UK and Ireland in the top five best-performing countries

The National Privacy Test is a global survey that allows people worldwide to evaluate their cybersecurity and digital privacy awareness. The most recent results show that, while global cybersecurity awareness is declining, Canadian participants have some of the highest scores and are among the top five best-performing countries. Let’s look at the most interesting insights.…
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August 31, 2023 0

National Privacy Test: Canadians share fourth place with several other countries

The National Privacy Test is a global survey that allows people worldwide to evaluate their cybersecurity and digital privacy awareness. The most recent results show that, while global cybersecurity awareness is declining, Canadian participants have some of the highest scores and are among the top five best-performing countries. Let’s look at the most interesting insights.…
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August 31, 2023 0

The National Privacy Test reveals: U.S. participants have the second-best score

The National Privacy Test is a global survey that allows people worldwide to evaluate their cybersecurity and digital privacy awareness. The most recent results show that, while global cybersecurity awareness is declining, U.S. participants have some of the highest scores and share second place on the podium with Germany. Let’s uncover more. Contents About the…
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August 31, 2023 0

Badanie NordVPN – ponad jedna czwarta Polaków korzysta z VPN

Badanie użytkowania usługi VPN to coroczny międzynarodowy projekt zlecony przez NordVPN. Wyniki tegorocznej ankiety pokazują, że świadomość i wykorzystanie VPN w Polsce stale rosną. Poniżej przedstawiamy bardziej szczegółowe informacje dotyczące wyników. W tym artykule: Kontekst badań VPN Najważniejsze odkrycia dotyczące VPN z 2023 roku Użytkowanie VPN w Polsce Z jakiego rodzaju usług VPN korzysta się…
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July 17, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: A third of Americans use a VPN

The VPN usage survey is an annual multi-country research project commissioned by NordVPN. This year’s survey results show that the U.S. is one of the leading countries for VPN awareness and usage. Let’s look at the survey results to uncover the most interesting insights. Contents About the survey What do the results show? VPN usage…
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June 28, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: Over a quarter of Canadians use a VPN

The VPN usage survey is an annual multi-country research project commissioned by NordVPN. This year’s survey results show that most Canadians know what a VPN is, with over a quarter of the Canadian population using one. Let’s take a closer look at the survey results to uncover the most interesting insights. Contents About the survey…
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June 28, 2023 0