Tag: NPT

The National Privacy Test results: The US falls from second to third place

The National Privacy Test is a global survey that allows people worldwide to evaluate their cybersecurity and digital privacy awareness. The latest results reveal a global decline in cybersecurity awareness, with the US slipping from its solid second place to third, overtaken by Finland. The following insights might surprise you. About the National Privacy Test…
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August 13, 2024 0

The National Privacy Test results: The UK and Ireland rank among the top 10

The National Privacy Test is a global survey that allows people worldwide to evaluate their cybersecurity and digital privacy awareness. Recent results show a worldwide dip in cybersecurity awareness. Despite still ranking in the top 10, the UK and Ireland have fallen in their standings compared to last year. Let’s delve deeper into these results.…
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August 13, 2024 0

NPT results: Australia and New Zealand once again make the top 5

The National Privacy Test (NPT) is a global survey that allows people worldwide to evaluate their cybersecurity and digital privacy awareness. The latest results show a global decline in cybersecurity awareness. However, despite this decline, Australia and New Zealand have remained in the top five rankings since last year, showing a stable situation for these…
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August 13, 2024 0

National Privacy Test: l’Italia è tra gli ultimi paesi in materia di sicurezza informatica

Il National Privacy Test è una survey internazionale curata da NordVPN che consente di misurare in maniera accurata il livello di preparazione e consapevolezza delle persone sui temi della sicurezza digitale e della privacy online. L’ultima edizione dell’indagine rivela una diminuzione a livello globale della consapevolezza sulla cybersecurity, con l’Italia che ottiene un deludente penultimo…
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August 13, 2024 0

Canada drops in ranking on the National Privacy Test

The National Privacy Test is a global survey that allows people worldwide to evaluate their cybersecurity and digital privacy awareness. The latest results reveal a global decline in cybersecurity awareness, with Canada dropping from fourth to sixth place. The following details might surprise you. About the National Privacy Test The National Privacy Test is an…
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August 13, 2024 0

Prueba Nacional de Privacidad en México y Argentina (2024): rozan el aprobado, pero superan a España

La Prueba Nacional de Privacidad es un examen que sirve para evaluar el grado de conocimiento en ciberseguridad y otros temas relacionados con la informática, que se realiza en diferentes países. En la edición del 2024, México y Argentina han participado en el estudio, pero ambos han alcanzado una nota inferior a la media. Ni…
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August 12, 2024 0

Os resultados do TNP: dados importantes sobre a privacidade online no Brasil

O TNP (Teste Nacional de Privacidade) é uma pesquisa global que permite que as pessoas do mundo inteiro avaliem questões sobre percepções de cibersegurança e privacidade online. Os resultados mais recentes revelam um declínio global na consciência sobre cibersegurança, e há dados muito significativos sobre o Brasil neste contexto global. Sobre o TNP O Teste…
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August 12, 2024 0

Resultados do Teste Nacional de Privacidade: Portugal desce para 5.º lugar na tabela

O Teste Nacional de Privacidade é um inquérito global que permite a pessoas de todo o mundo avaliarem a consciência que têm de questões de segurança cibernética e privacidade digital. Os últimos resultados assinalam um declínio global na consciência de cibersegurança, com Portugal a descer do 4.º para o 5.º lugar em relação a 2023,…
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August 12, 2024 0

National Privacy Test Deutschland, Schweiz und Österreich – welches Land schneidet am besten ab?

Der National Privacy Test ist eine Umfrage, bei der Menschen auf der ganzen Welt ihr Bewusstsein in Sachen Cybersicherheit und digitale Privatsphäre testen können. Die neuesten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Bewusstsein für Cybersicherheit weltweit abnimmt. Deutschland liegt auf einem guten dritten Platz, die Schweiz und Österreich etwas abgeschlagen auf Platz sechs. Erfahre hier, wie die…
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August 12, 2024 0

Międzynarodowy Test Prywatności 2024: Polska na czwartym miejscu

Międzynarodowy Test Prywatności to globalne badanie, które pozwala użytkownikom na całym świecie ocenić swoją wiedzę z zakresu cyberbezpieczeństwa i prywatności cyfrowej. Najnowsze wyniki ujawniają globalny spadek świadomości cyberbezpieczeństwa, a Polska spadła z pierwszego miejsca na czwarte. Poniższe spostrzeżenia mogą być zaskakujące. O Międzynarodowym Teście Prywatności Międzynarodowy Test Prywatności (ang. National Privacy Test, w skrócie NPT)…
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August 11, 2024 0