Tag: online banking

Los ciberataques a la banca electrónica no paran: protege tus cuentas

Los hackers atacan sin descanso las cuentas de la banca electrónica y la información guardada en otros archivos de las entidades financieras. En mayo del 2024, el Banco Santander informó a la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) de un ciberataque que puso en peligro su base de datos. Esto afectó a la información…
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May 29, 2024 0

Mikä on CVV-koodi, ja miten sen voi suojata?

Pankkikortit vaikuttavat yksinkertaisilta: niissä näkyy omistajan nimi, allekirjoitus, kortin numero, voimassaoloaika ja lisäksi CVV-koodi (tai CVC-koodi). Ennen kuin käytät korttiasi uudelleen verkko-ostoksilla, katso mitä CVV-numero tarkoittaa, miksi se on tärkeä ja miten voit suojella rahojasi pitämällä CVV-koodin salassa. Mikä on CVV-koodi? CVV on lyhenne englanninkielisistä sanoista card verification value, CVC puolestaan viittaa sanoihin card verification…
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May 16, 2024 0

What is 3D Secure and how does it work?

The 3D Secure protocol can make cardless online payments more secure. A growing number of card providers, including Visa and Mastercard, have now adopted the protocol. In this article, we’ll explain what 3D Secure is and how it works. Contents What is 3D Secure? How 3D Secure works Benefits of 3D Secure How to know…
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January 2, 2024 0

¿Qué es un código CVV y cómo puedes protegerlo?

Todas las tarjetas bancarias cuentan con un código CVV, una serie de números que sirven para identificar cada unidad. Además de constar el nombre del titular, la fecha de caducidad y otra información personal, tus tarjetas de crédito o débito tienen asignado un número CVV. Es crucial que sepas qué significa CVV, pero también cómo…
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December 28, 2023 0

Everything you need to know about card testing fraud

Have you ever wondered what happens to credit card data when it is stolen? Before thieves can do anything, they must verify that the cards are usable and haven’t been deactivated. That’s what card testing is for. Find out how it works, how it can harm your business, and why it’s not just cardholders who…
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December 21, 2023 0

Is mobile banking safe?

Mobile banking is usually safe — but it could expose you to some online risks. After all, your mobile device can be hacked or infected with spyware. If you find yourself asking “is mobile banking safe?”, this article is for you: We’ll explore the potential threats of banking online and give you tips on how…
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December 20, 2023 0

Storing credit card information online: Standards, security, and risks

Online shopping and digital payments have become an integral part of our lives, so most online payment platforms and websites offer to save your credit card details for later, promising to keep them safe. But is it a good idea to hand over your banking information to third parties? Contents Can online shops store your…
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September 24, 2023 0

Top 11 Venmo scams: How to protect yourself in 2023

Venmo, the popular payment app, is a perfect target for scammers and cybercriminals. From malware to social engineering attacks, hackers have a variety of ways to target Venmo users. In this article, we cover the top ten Venmo scams you need to know about, and show you how to stay safe on the app in…
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September 20, 2023 0