Tag: pop-ups

How to remove the “Congratulations, you’re today’s lucky visitor” pop-up

The “Congratulations, you’re today’s lucky visitor” message is commonly associated with online scams and fake ads for a good reason. Learn how to deal with these types of pop-ups if you see them. What is the “Congratulations, you’re today’s lucky visitor” pop-up? The “Congratulations, you are today’s lucky visitor” pop-up is a common scam message…
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February 1, 2024 0

Come bloccare la pubblicità sul cellulare

Ritrovarsi lo schermo coperto da pubblicità indesiderata quando si utilizza il proprio smartphone non è solo un’esperienza fastidiosa, ma può rappresentare un segnale di pericolo per la sicurezza e la privacy. In questo articolo, scopriremo come procedere sia su dispositivi Android che su iPhone. Come bloccare le pubblicità sul tuo dispositivo Android I dispositivi Android…
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December 11, 2023 0

How do I stop pop-up ads on my Android phone?

Pop-up ads on Android can be annoying at best and dangerous at worst. Hackers can use online ads to spread malware, so it’s important to be able to block pop-ups. In this article, we’ll show you how to block pop-ups on Android, using Chrome and Firefox. How to stop pop-up ads on Android Shutting down…
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June 26, 2023 0