Tag: pptp

Che cos’è il Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)?

Riesci a immaginarti una giornata senza la possibilità di navigare su Internet? Questa fonte infinita di informazioni, socialità e intrattenimento è diventata una parte essenziale della nostra vita quotidiana. Ecco perché è fondamentale garantire che la nostra attività online sia quanto più sicura e anonima possibile. Ad aiutarci a proteggere i nostri dispositivi entra in…
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November 13, 2023 0

History of the VPN

A virtual private network (VPN) has become a synonym for robust online security. It creates an encrypted tunnel for your data to travel safely through the internet – as safely as if it traveled through your private network. Developed out of the necessity to save internet users from the rising scope of cyber threats, VPN…
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September 25, 2023 0

The best VPN protocols and differences between VPN types

Every virtual private network (VPN) uses protocols that impact its speed, stability, and security. VPN protocols help you to reach the desired result from your VPN connection, be it a faster VPN speed or tougher encryption. Let’s review the most popular VPN protocols and the types of VPNs so you can choose a combination that…
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September 25, 2023 0

What is the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)?

Just as highways and railways move traffic across the country, the online world has its own traffic systems. But your data can encounter various dangers in transit, so a “tunnel” can add a layer of protection. In this article, we’ll closely examine the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (or L2TP) and how it compares to other…
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August 1, 2023 0

What are VPN ports?

Your router is like a harbor with many ports, allowing precious data to come and go so long as it comes packaged in the right container with the correct identifying information. VPNs require specific ports to be open to enable tunneled traffic. Here are some of those ports and which ports you should really stay…
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June 20, 2023 0