Tag: protocols

WireGuard: Was ist es und wie funktioniert es?

Das WireGuard-VPN-Protokoll ist ein Meilenstein in Sachen Geschwindigkeit und Leistung auf dem VPN-Markt. In diesem Artikel erklären wir, wie das WireGuard-Protokoll funktioniert und was es für VPN-Dienste bedeutet. Inhalt des Artikels Was ist WireGuard? Wie funktioniert WireGuard? Wie sicher ist WireGuard? Vorteile von WireGuard Nachteile von WireGuard WireGuard vs. andere VPN-Protokolle Wie richtet man das…
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January 4, 2024 0

What is TCP/IP and how does it work?

TCP/IP is a collection of rules for data transfer between devices. And rules are important when you want to move information online. Contents What is TCP/IP, and what does it stand for? How does TCP/IP work? TCP/IP: The four layers TCP and IP addresses What’s the difference between TCP/IP and IP? TCP/IP vs. the OSI…
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November 23, 2023 0

Quali sono i vantaggi di un proxy SOCKS5?

Navigare in internet apre un panorama sconfinato di possibilità. La più grande biblioteca che l’umanità abbia mai conosciuto è a portata di un clic. Date queste innegabili opportunità, sarebbe davvero imprudente non riconoscere i rischi della rete. Per far fronte a queste minacce sono disponibili diversi strumenti, come il proxy SOCKS5, degli alleati utili che…
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October 24, 2023 0

TCP vs UDP: A comparison of the protocols and their differences

Whether your data is transferred quickly and in full depends on which network protocols you use, UDP or TCP. They both do the same job but in different ways. One is more reliable and the other one is faster. Find out which one you need below. Contents What is TCP? What is UDP? How do…
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September 26, 2023 0

The best VPN protocols and differences between VPN types

Every virtual private network (VPN) uses protocols that impact its speed, stability, and security. VPN protocols help you to reach the desired result from your VPN connection, be it a faster VPN speed or tougher encryption. Let’s review the most popular VPN protocols and the types of VPNs so you can choose a combination that…
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September 25, 2023 0

VPN WireGuard: What is it and how does it work?

The WireGuard VPN protocol is a gamechanger for speed and performance, and is making waves in the VPN market. In this article, we’ll explain how the WireGuard protocol works and what it means for VPN services. What is the WireGuard VPN protocol? WireGuard is a VPN protocol, a collection of rules that determine how data…
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August 17, 2023 0

Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP): Everything you need to know

Did you get a link to this article by email? Blame SMTP, the protocol at the heart of modern email communications. In this article, we examine what SMTP is and how it works. Contents What is SMTP? What is an SMTP server? Types of SMTP servers How does SMTP work? SMTP commands SMTP service providers…
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June 22, 2023 0