Tag: Safe behavior

What is SMAPI, and is it safe to use?

Enhancing game experience with mods has been a common gaming practice for decades. It’s a great way for the community to contribute to their favorite games and enrich the gameplay experience for anyone willing to try the modifications. However, some might wonder if mods and their load tools (such as SMAPI) are safe to use.…
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May 15, 2024 0

What is a default gateway, and how can you find its address?

The default gateway is the access point between your home network and the rest of the internet. It facilitates a smooth internet experience, but people often forget how important the default gateway and its role in configuring the effective network security measures is. In this article, we explore what a default gateway is and how…
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May 13, 2024 0

10 must-have information security policies

Data is extremely valuable in today’s business climate, so organizations must have information security policies. Data integrity and confidentiality must be protected at all costs. At the same time, that data has to be accessible to make it functional. So, how can you balance these objectives effectively so that your data produces value while staying…
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May 12, 2024 0

Vad är geoblockering och hur fungerar det?

Har du någonsin besökt en utländsk webbsida som blockerat din åtkomst? Har du märkt hur streamingplattformar erbjuder olika innehåll i olika länder? Det är bara två exempel på geoblockering som du kan stöta på i vardagen. Lär dig hur geoblockering fungerar och om det är lagligt. Vad är geoblockering? Geoblockering används också för att garantera…
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May 8, 2024 0

Como saber se meu celular foi hackeado e como resolver isso

Se você tem tido problemas com a bateria ou o consumo de dados do seu celular, atenção: talvez ele esteja hackeado. Como ter certeza? O que fazer para resolver esse problema? Essas e outras questões são respondidas neste artigo. Como identificar se seu dispositivo foi invadido? Há alguns sintomas e sinais que podem te ajudar…
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May 6, 2024 0

Las estafas más populares de WhatsApp y cómo evitarlas

WhatsApp es la app de mensajería más popular del mundo, con más de 2000 millones de usuarios activos mensuales. Con una base de clientes tan amplia, no es de extrañar que WhatsApp tenga su buena ración de estafas ante las que debemos protegernos. A continuación le mostramos algunos de los fraudes más habituales de WhatsApp…
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May 2, 2024 0

Is Shein safe? Shop safely and stay protected

Shein is the go-to destination for trend-conscious shoppers looking for affordable fashion. However, most people use Shein without thinking about whether it’s safe. Read on to find out if you’re at risk of being scammed on Shein. What is Shein? Shein is an online fast-fashion retailer that offers products at extremely low prices. Its products…
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April 29, 2024 0

Was ist Geoblocking und wie funktioniert es?

Wenn du häufig im Netz unterwegs bist, ist dir Geoblocking wahrscheinlich schon einmal begegnet. Bist du schon mal auf einer ausländischen Webseite gelandet, die deinen Zugang blockiert hat? Ist dir aufgefallen, dass Streaming-Plattformen unterschiedliche Inhalte für verschiedene Regionen anbieten? Das sind beides Beispiele für Geoblocking, die dir jeden Tag begegnen können. Erfahre, wie Geoblocking funktioniert…
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April 25, 2024 0

Estafa de Correos por SMS: disfruta de tus libros de Sant Jordi sin problemas

El Día Internacional del Libro, que siempre cae en 23 de abril, es un día muy especial en Cataluña. En esta fecha, Sant Jordi, nadie se queda sin su rosa y un buen libro; pero si ya es difícil elegir el mejor título para regalar, el proceso se puede complicar cuando necesitamos pedirlo por internet.…
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April 23, 2024 0

Darknet market: What you should know about dark web marketplaces

We don’t recommend venturing into a dark web marketplace on your own, but we understand your curiosity. Let us safely guide you through it. In this article, we’ll demystify darknet markets, explain what they are, and cover everything you should know about the darkest corner of the internet. Note: NordVPN does not encourage the use…
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April 18, 2024 0