Tag: Safe behavior

Amazon Astro: User privacy concerns

If you were searching for a solution to monitor your home while you’re away or help with household duties, you’ve probably heard about the Amazon Astro robot. Though it can ease your everyday life, the robot has also received critique from the cybersecurity community about how much privacy it can actually offer. In the end,…
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March 5, 2024 0

DuckDuckgo – co to jest? Czy wyszukiwarka DuckDuckGo jest bezpieczna?

Wyszukiwarka DuckDuckGo jest chwalona przez entuzjastów bezpieczeństwa i uważana za bezpieczną. Wyróżnia się rygorystyczną polityką prywatności, która jest korzystna dla użytkownika, oraz przejrzystością sposobu przetwarzania danych użytkownika. Po dokładnym zapoznaniu się z polityką prywatności DuckDuckGo przedstawiamy zestawienie jej mocnych i słabszych stron, a także wskazówki, jak zwiększyć swoje bezpieczeństwo w Internecie podczas korzystania z tej…
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February 27, 2024 0

Was ist UPnP (Universal-Plug-and-Play) und ist es sicher?

UPnP hilft dir, Geräte schnell und ohne manuelle Konfiguration mit deinem Netzwerk zu verbinden. Es kann aber auch Hackern den Zugang zu deinem Netzwerk ermöglichen und deine Geräte gefährden. In diesem Artikel erklären wir die Vorteile und Risiken von UPnP und wie du dich schützen kannst. Was ist Universal-Plug-and-Play (UPnP)? UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)…
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February 27, 2024 0

De beste gratis anonyme e-post kontoene i 2024

Sterk kryptering er ikke nok hvis du vil sende ordentlig anonyme e-poster. E-postleverandøren din kan fortsatt holde oversikt over navnet ditt, spore IP-adressen og lokasjonen din, og se emnefeltet i e-postene dine, samt mottaker. Men hva om du trenger å sende og motta hemmelige e-poster som ikke avslører identiteten din? Da trenger du en pålitelig…
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February 25, 2024 0

O que é o UPnP e porque deve desativá-lo de imediato

O UPnP ajuda-o a ligar rapidamente dispositivos à sua rede sem configuração manual. No entanto, também pode permitir que hackers entrem na sua rede e ponham os seus dispositivos em risco. Neste artigo, explicamos-lhe quais as vantagens e os riscos do UPnP e o que pode fazer para se proteger. O que é o UPnP?…
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February 25, 2024 0

Come capire se hanno hackerato il tuo profilo Facebook: guida 2024

Facebook è un social network estremamente popolare, uno dei più utilizzati al mondo. Per questo motivo, è spesso preso di mira dagli hacker, che lo utilizzano per ottenere le informazioni personali degli utenti iscritti. È quindi importante imparare a tenere sempre sotto controllo il proprio profilo, in modo da accorgersi quando viene hackerato e potersi…
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February 22, 2024 0

O que é o SSID e como encontrar o seu?

SSID significa “Service Set IDentifier” (Identificador de Conjunto de Serviços) e é o nome da sua rede Wi-Fi. Se abrir a lista de redes Wi-Fi no seu portátil ou telemóvel, verá uma lista de SSID. Os routers sem fios ou pontos de acesso transmitem SSID para que os dispositivos nas imediações possam encontrar e apresentar…
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February 19, 2024 0

What is a dark web alert? Everything you need to know

Dark web monitoring services can protect you whether you’re sleeping, working, or watching TV, but what if you receive a dark web alert? Does that mean your identity has already been stolen? And what should you do? Keep reading to find out. What is a dark web alert? A dark web alert is a cybersecurity…
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February 18, 2024 0

8 most secure video chat apps for your private calls

Like for other online communication tools, privacy and security are essential for video calls. A trustworthy video calling app is a key component in preventing random people from creeping into your private conversations. This article will present you with the most secure video calling options and tips for improving your online protection. What is private…
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February 13, 2024 0