Tag: Safe behavior

Qu’est-ce qu’un CAPTCHA et comment ça marche ?

Vous avez forcément déjà croisé un CAPTCHA en vous connectant sur Internet. Ce test d’identification, allant d’une simple case “Je ne suis pas un robot” à un exercice de reconnaissance d’image, a pour but de faire le tri entre les utilisateurs afin de lutter contre les bots malveillants. Qu’est-ce que le CAPTCHA, et pourquoi sa…
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July 19, 2023 0

Enhancing home security camera systems with VPN: A comprehensive guide

Security cameras are intended to make your home safer. However, they also need protection from online threats. Otherwise, they become an open invitation for hackers to intrude. In this article, we’ll look at how a VPN can enhance your smart home security and how you can safely access your home cameras remotely. Contents How do…
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July 17, 2023 0

12 种社会工程攻击的类型

每个人可能都认为自己很聪明,不会上当受骗——即使那些被骗的人也是如此。社会工程攻击由一套强大技术组成,黑客、诈骗者和窃贼利用这些手法来危害受害者的安全,并窃取有价值的数据。了解社会工程的手法,以免落入他们的陷阱。 内容 什么是社会工程? 社会工程类型 网络钓鱼(Phishing) 社交网站钓鱼(Angler phishing) 鱼叉式网络钓鱼(Spear phishing) 短信钓鱼(Smishing) 语音钓鱼(Vishing) 假托攻击(Pretexting) 交友欺骗(Catfishing) 恐吓软件(Scareware) 调虎离山(Diversion theft) 诱饵(Baiting) 等价交换条件(Quid pro quo) 连络人垃圾邮件(Contact spamming) 7 种方法来保护自己免受社会工程攻击 什么是社会工程? 请继续阅读,了解更多最常见的社会工程攻击手法,以及如何保护自己免于这些攻击的影响。 社会工程类型 网络钓鱼攻击 网络钓鱼(Phishing)是指网络罪犯利用电子邮件冒充他人身份的行为。他们通常会假装是银行、政府机构、快递公司或受害者信任的任何组织。他们的目标是让受害者打开一封网钓电子邮件,无意中下载恶意软件,或点击可疑链接进入假网站。他们想诱骗受害者披露敏感信息,例如登录凭据、社会安全号码或银行卡号(如信用卡 cvv 码)。 网络钓鱼可以采取不同的形式和使用不同的方法。最常见的包括: 伪造的寄件人名称。这封电子邮件看起来是从某个合法的组织发送的,但域名却完全不同。 打开伪造链接。黑客可能会发送一封电子邮件,要求受害者点击链接并重新登录帐户(即使没有改变在该网站上的活动)。伪造的 URL 会诱导受害者进入假网站。 电子邮件附件。发票、订单确认、活动邀请都可以用来伪装病毒或恶意软件。如果附件看起来可疑,请不要打开或回复邮件。 社交网站钓鱼攻击 社交网站钓鱼攻击(Angler phishing attack)通过伪造的客服帐户针对社交媒体用户进行攻击。在社交网站钓鱼攻击中,黑客会联系最近投诉的客户,并在他们精心策划的计划中试图获取客户的个人信息或帐户凭据。 以下是社交网站钓鱼攻击的范例: 攻击者监控社交媒体动态,等待有人标记特定公司并对其帐户提出投诉或问题。 攻击者使用假冒的社交媒体帐户身份回复,假扮成该公司的客户支援团队。 几次互动之后,攻击者得到受害者的信任,多数人会愿意提供他们的密码和其他机密信息,以帮助解决问题。 鱼叉式网络钓鱼攻击 鱼叉式网络钓鱼(Spear phishing)是一种需要更多努力但成功率更高的网络钓鱼。鱼叉式网络钓鱼以个人和小团体为目标。他们通常假装是受害者信任的某个特定人物,或者在工作环境中的高层主管。 为了让这种社会工程攻击发挥作用,黑客需要对受害者进行一些研究,并使用这些信息对他们进行攻击。黑客几乎可以从社交媒体上收集任何信息:电子邮件地址、受害者信任和关注的品牌、受害者的朋友等等。完成研究之后,黑客就会用这些信息伪照出假冒的邮件内容,以获取受害者的信任。 鱼叉式网络钓鱼攻击很难识别,但并非不可能识别。以下是保护自己的方法: 检查电子邮件的来源。 判断信件内容是否为正常合理的请求。 如果信件内容很可疑,请不要回复电子邮件,可以用其他管道直接与寄件人联系,以查证邮件的真实性。例如给他们发一封单独的电子邮件、致电给他们,或者与他们面对面交谈。 短信钓鱼攻击 与使用电子邮件的网络钓鱼攻击不同,短信钓鱼攻击(Smishing…
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July 16, 2023 0

Como evitar golpes em aplicativos de namoro

Os chamados ‘’golpes do amor’’ são um dos tipos mais comuns de crime cibernético. Muitas pessoas buscam por contato humano e por relacionamentos. E, na era digital, redes sociais e aplicativos voltados para relacionamentos se tornam um prato cheio para golpistas que buscam ganhar a confiança e conquistar as vítimas para roubar informações, dados pessoais…
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July 16, 2023 0

O que é uma LAN party e como organizar um evento desses?

LAN parties são emocionantes eventos sociais em que os jogadores se reúnem e se divertem juntos com sessões de multiplayer. Neste artigo, exploramos um pouco desse universo, abordando não apenas o que é LAN party, mas também estratégias e requisitos de como organizar um evento do tipo com sucesso. Tabela de Conteúdo O que é…
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July 12, 2023 0

What are the safest ways to pay online?

Online payments have become an everyday occurrence for much of the world. Whether it’s paying bills or just some online shopping, the convenience of paying online instead of in person can’t be denied. However, with the potential threat of hackers and fraudsters getting hold of your credentials, what are the safest ways to pay online?…
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July 6, 2023 0

File encryption: More important than you think

File encryption can secure data, protect privacy, and guard against cyberattacks. With modern security tools, encrypting files has never been easier. In this article we’ll show you how to encrypt files, and explain why encryption is so important. Why should I encrypt my files? Your electronic information needs to be treated with the same care…
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July 5, 2023 0

Wi-Fi security recommendations: How to secure your home Wi-Fi network

A hacked or infected router can give cybercriminals access to every connected device. In this blog article, we delve into home Wi-Fi security, exploring the potential risks lurking in the digital world and providing you with essential tips and strategies to secure your home network. Contents What is Wi-Fi security? Why is Wi-Fi security important?…
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July 3, 2023 0

The best tech podcasts

Tech podcasts are a great way to keep up with new trends in technology, learn hacks to choose the best tech gadgets, and gain insight into the digital world. Read on to find our top picks for tech podcasts, with topics ranging from innovations to stories from the dark web, to find your favorite. Contents…
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June 29, 2023 0

What is deep packet inspection?

Deep packet inspection (DPI) is like a squad of Secret Service agents looking after your network. But is it always better to use the Secret Service even if a bouncer checking IDs could suffice? After all, excessive security measures may create bottlenecks and slow down your network. So when should you use DPI? Find out…
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June 29, 2023 0