Tag: Sensitive data

De beste gratis anonyme e-post kontoene i 2024

Sterk kryptering er ikke nok hvis du vil sende ordentlig anonyme e-poster. E-postleverandøren din kan fortsatt holde oversikt over navnet ditt, spore IP-adressen og lokasjonen din, og se emnefeltet i e-postene dine, samt mottaker. Men hva om du trenger å sende og motta hemmelige e-poster som ikke avslører identiteten din? Da trenger du en pålitelig…
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February 25, 2024 0

What is a dark web alert? Everything you need to know

Dark web monitoring services can protect you whether you’re sleeping, working, or watching TV, but what if you receive a dark web alert? Does that mean your identity has already been stolen? And what should you do? Keep reading to find out. What is a dark web alert? A dark web alert is a cybersecurity…
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February 18, 2024 0

Was sind Datenbroker und wie arbeiten sie?

Datenbroker verdienen enorme Summen, indem sie Informationen über Nutzer wie dich sammeln und an Dritte verkaufen. Stell dir eine Datenbank vor, in der all deine Interessen, Hobbys, dein beruflicher Werdegang und sogar deine politischen Ansichten katalogisiert sind. In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir dir, was Databroker sind und wie du deine Daten vor ihnen schützen kannst.…
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February 9, 2024 0

What is cryptography? Cryptography types explained

Cryptography is the process of securing and hiding information from unauthorized parties. While it has existed in some form for thousands of years, modern cryptography only became an integral part of everyday information security over the last few decades. So, what is cryptographic technology, how does it work, and why is it important? Read on…
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January 8, 2024 0

Data sharing: What is it and why is it important?

Data sharing is at the heart of how the internet works. Individuals, companies, and websites share data constantly. This article will explain the various forms of data sharing and help you make your data more secure. Contents What is data sharing? How should you share data? What are the methods of data sharing? Data sharing…
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January 7, 2024 0

¿Qué es un código CVV y cómo puedes protegerlo?

Todas las tarjetas bancarias cuentan con un código CVV, una serie de números que sirven para identificar cada unidad. Además de constar el nombre del titular, la fecha de caducidad y otra información personal, tus tarjetas de crédito o débito tienen asignado un número CVV. Es crucial que sepas qué significa CVV, pero también cómo…
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December 28, 2023 0

¿Qué es una brecha de seguridad y cómo ocurre?

Una brecha de seguridad es la fuga de datos personales y otro tipo de información que, de forma accidental o intencionalmente, terminan filtrándose en internet. Por lo tanto, terceras personas pueden acceder a datos que hasta ese momento habían estado protegidos. Esta es la definición de brecha de seguridad en el contexto tecnológico, pero también…
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December 25, 2023 0

How important is protecting your privacy in the age of targeted advertising?

General awareness of online privacy is now better than ever, and targeted ads raise questions among users. This article explains how targeted marketing works and what it looks like in practice. Keep reading to learn how this type of advertising relates to your online privacy and how to protect it. Contents What is targeted advertising?…
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December 21, 2023 0

Everything you need to know about card testing fraud

Have you ever wondered what happens to credit card data when it is stolen? Before thieves can do anything, they must verify that the cards are usable and haven’t been deactivated. That’s what card testing is for. Find out how it works, how it can harm your business, and why it’s not just cardholders who…
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December 21, 2023 0