Tag: spoofing

Cybersecurity threats: Main types and new threats in 2024

The more reliant we become on digital devices and the internet, the more we are at risk from cybersecurity threats. Understanding the dangers you face in cyberspace is the first step to protecting yourself from them. In this article, we cover the most common cybersecurity threats and provide actionable steps to stay safe online. What…
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August 6, 2024 0

What is a MAC spoofing attack? Learn how it works and how to detect and prevent it

If you’ve suffered a MAC spoofing attack, it means a hacker changed their computer’s MAC address to mimic your computer’s MAC address and use it for illegal purposes. Learn how MAC spoofing attacks work, how you can detect them before it’s too late, and how to prevent them. What is MAC spoofing? To understand MAC…
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July 3, 2024 0

Spoofing: definição, tipos e como se proteger

No mundo das ciberameaças, o spoofing é um dos processos que mais colocam em risco o sigilo e a integridade das nossas informações e ações online. Ataques de spoofing (como spoofing de IP e e-mails infectados, por exemplo) podem garantir o acesso de cibercriminosos ao seu dispositivo, além do roubo de informações sensíveis. Aqui, vamos…
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March 3, 2024 0

Indirizzo MAC: cos’è, a cosa serve e come si trova

L’indirizzo MAC (Media Access Control) è una sequenza composta da 12 cifre, divise in coppie, che funge da codice identificativo univoco per ogni scheda di rete, sia essa ethernet o wireless. Questo codice non ha la sola funzione di distinguere ogni dispositivo all’interno di una rete locale, ma è anche cruciale per la gestione del…
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November 20, 2023 0