TLS Handshake – was ist das?

Beim TLS-Protokoll handelt es sich, wie beim SSL-Protokoll auch, um Verschlüsselungen für Daten, die von einem Punkt zum anderen übertragen werden. Normalerweise handelt es sich bei diesen zwei Punkten um Server und Client, doch es gibt auch Fälle, in denen eine Verschlüsselung für die Datenübertragung zwischen Servern oder Clients nötig ist. Wir wollen uns in…
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August 29, 2024 0

Come funziona la crittografia asimmetrica e differenze con la simmetrica

Le tue e-mail e i tuoi messaggi sono protetti da crittografia? Se sì, è probabile che lo siano grazie alla crittografia asimmetrica con l’obiettivo di salvaguardare i tuoi dati sensibili da accessi non autorizzati. Vediamo, quindi, che cos’è questa tecnica di crittografia assieme ai suoi vantaggi e agli svantaggi rispetto alla crittografia simmetrica. Che cos’è…
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June 27, 2024 0

SSL inspection: Benefits, risks, and how it works

An SSL inspection process is essential to ensuring that encrypted data passed through HTTPS connections is free of security risks, such as malicious content or attempts to steal data. Network administrators should always enable SSL inspection for their network, especially if they’re part of an organization that handles sensitive data. Here’s a guide to how…
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May 14, 2024 0

HTTPS 是什麼,為何其如此重要?

在當今的數位時代,網路安全至關重要。構建網站安全性最基本的要素之一就是 HTTPS。但 HTTPS 到底是什麼,為何其對網站所有者來說如此重要?讓我們深入探討 HTTPS 如何運作,以便了解其在資安領域中的重要性。 內容 HTTPS 是什麼? HTTPS 如何運作? HTTPS 的重要性 網站未使用 HTTPS 的風險 HTTPS 和 HTTP 的區別 如何啟用 HTTPS? 常見問答 HTTPS 是什麼? HTTPS(超文字傳輸安全通訊協定)是 HTTP 通訊協定的安全版本,HTTP 是用於在網頁瀏覽器和網站之間傳送資料的主要通訊協定。HTTPS 使用 SSL/TLS 通訊協定進行加密和驗證,進而提高資料傳輸的安全性。 HTTPS 通訊協定使網站使用者可以在網際網路上安全傳輸敏感資料,如信用卡號、銀行詳細資料和登入憑證。因此,HTTPS 對於確保網購、網銀和遠端工作等線上活動的安全尤為重要。不過,HTTPS 正迅速成為所有網站的標準通訊協定,無論網站是否會與使用者交換敏感資料。 HTTPS 如何運作? HTTPS 透過將 HTTP 封裝在 SSL/TLS 通訊協定內,為 HTTP 通訊協定進行加密(這也是為何 SSL 又被稱為通道協定),如此一來,兩台聯網電腦(如用戶端和網頁伺服器)之間的所有資訊都會經過雙向加密。儘管竊聽者仍有可能存取 IP 位址、通訊埠號、域名、交換的資訊量和工作階段持續時間,但所有實際交換的資料都會透過 SSL/TLS 進行安全加密,包含: 請求網址(用戶端請求存取的網頁) 網站內容 查詢參數…
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March 6, 2024 0

What is Heartbleed? The Heartbleed vulnerability explained

Heartbleed is a security vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptography library carried out through the TLS heartbeat extension. Google Security first discovered this bug in 2014. However, it still is a security threat to many businesses and organizations. So it is crucial to understand how Heartbleed exploits vulnerable OpenSSL versions, its potential harm, and ways to…
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January 17, 2024 0

What is the SHA-256 algorithm, and how does it work?

Did you know that SHA has been protecting your passwords for decades? It’s like a secret code that transforms your passwords into an unreadable jumble of characters, making it nearly impossible for hackers to crack them. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The SHA-256 algorithm is used much more widely than just password…
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June 20, 2023 0