Tag: TLS encryption

TLS Handshake – was ist das?

Beim TLS-Protokoll handelt es sich, wie beim SSL-Protokoll auch, um Verschlüsselungen für Daten, die von einem Punkt zum anderen übertragen werden. Normalerweise handelt es sich bei diesen zwei Punkten um Server und Client, doch es gibt auch Fälle, in denen eine Verschlüsselung für die Datenübertragung zwischen Servern oder Clients nötig ist. Wir wollen uns in…
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August 29, 2024 0

What is an attack surface and how can it be reduced?

An attack surface is a range of cyber vulnerabilities that malicious actors can use as entry points to access systems and perform cyberattacks. Shoddy cybersecurity systems, weak passwords, and the use of websites without TLS encryption are just a few examples that can contribute to a large attack surface. Sick of feeling exposed to endless…
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July 25, 2024 0

What is elliptic curve cryptography? ECC for dummies

Elliptic curve cryptography is a modern asymmetric cryptographic approach. ECC’s security and efficiency make it an excellent option for encrypting digital communications and creating digital signatures. In this article, we’ll discuss how elliptic curve cryptography works, whether it’s secure, and its real-life applications and benefits. Contents What is elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)? What are elliptic…
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July 26, 2023 0