Tag: Tools

AirTag alternatives: A comprehensive guide for iPhone and Android users

Apple’s AirTag is the most popular tracking device, thanks to the company’s unwavering presence and market coverage. This tiny Bluetooth tracker costs around $30, which may be a bit much for some people. Fortunately, it’s not the only choice. Learn all about the best Apple AirTag alternatives and choose one that is perfect for you.…
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November 10, 2023 0

What is QuillBot, and is it safe?

QuillBot is an AI-based tool for paraphrasing text while retaining its original meaning. It helps you create unique content by making the writing process easier than ever. However, is it actually safe to use? Read on and find out everything you need to know about the security aspect of using QuillBot. Contents What is QuillBot?…
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November 3, 2023 0

I migliori motori di ricerca non tracciabili

Nonostante oggi la maggior parte degli utenti italiani preferisca ancora affidarsi a Google per le proprie ricerche online (gli ultimi dati aggiornati parlano di una fetta di mercato superiore al 90%), bisogna sapere che ci sono motori di ricerca alternativi che offrono un livello di privacy superiore e proteggono maggiormente i dati trasmessi durante l’attività…
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October 29, 2023 0

VPN vs. antivirus: Hvad er forskellen?

Den største forskel mellem en VPN og antivirus er, at VPN beskytter data i transit med kryptering, mens antivirussoftware beskytter din enhed mod at blive inficeret med malware. Men både antivirus og VPN-tjenester er begyndt at tilbyde mere omfattende sikkerhedsløsninger, som ofte overlapper hinanden. Lad os se på, hvordan disse to tjenester kan sammenlignes, og…
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October 26, 2023 0

Block cipher vs stream cipher: What are the main differences?

Block and stream ciphers are the two main types of symmetric key algorithms. Both ciphers use the same cryptographic key to encrypt and decrypt data, but that’s where their similarity ends. Find out how block and stream ciphers work, how they defer, and the best contexts to use them. Contents What is a block cipher?…
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October 23, 2023 0

Is BeReal safe? Everything you need to know

BeReal is a refreshing take on social media apps, but its unique format and default settings can easily expose you to dangerous or explicit content. Let’s take a deep dive into how BeReal works, what the risks are, and how you can protect yourself or your children from harm. Contents What is BeReal? How does…
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October 10, 2023 0

Use these browser extensions for your privacy

Reliable browsing extensions can help you maintain your safety online. However, with thousands of extensions available, it may become a little overwhelming when it comes to choosing. To help you make informed decisions, we have gathered nine well-known browser plugins that can help you improve your online privacy and security. Contents Web proxy extension NordVPN…
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October 2, 2023 0

Antivirus vs anti-malware: Which one should you choose?

Antivirus and anti-malware are powerful cybersecurity tools. Both can protect you from malware attacks and remove dangerous files from your devices, but they serve slightly different functions. In this article, we’ll explain the differences between antivirus and anti-malware, and help you choose the right one for your needs. Contents What is antivirus? What is anti-malware?…
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October 2, 2023 0

VPS vs. VPN: What’s the difference?

“VPS” and a “VPN” sound similar, but don’t get confused — they’re two different technologies that have nothing to do with each other. Since it’s common to mix them up, let’s explore their differences and discuss how you can benefit from each technology. Contents What is a VPS? How does a VPS work? What is…
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September 27, 2023 0

Secure enclaves: The key to data security

Chances are you’ve never heard about anything like secure enclaves. Imagine an extra-protected safe where you can keep your valuables but can’t really open. Instead, a technician comes to your house, checks if you’re the true owner, and then opens it up for you. Secure enclaves protect sensitive data on your device in a similar…
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September 19, 2023 0