Tag: tor

I 13 browser più sicuri per la privacy nel 2024

I browser sono gli strumenti che utilizziamo quotidianamente per navigare in Internet, inviare e-mail o effettuare videochiamate sia personali che per lavoro. Tuttavia, sempre più persone al giorno d’oggi si preoccupano per la privacy e la sicurezza dei propri dati quando si ha a che fare con questi strumenti. Abbiamo quindi analizzato i principali programmi…
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December 10, 2023 0

Che cos’è I2P e come funziona?

In questo articolo forniremo tutte le informazioni necessarie per capire cos’è l’I2P, il suo funzionamento all’atto pratico e quali vantaggi offre agli utenti. Se la privacy è un tema che ti sta a cuore, l’I2P potrebbe rivelarsi molto utile, essendo uno strumento di rete che protegge i dati personali. Questa soluzione presenta caratteristiche specifiche che…
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December 8, 2023 0

Darknet & Deep Web erklärt: So kommst du rein

Die Ansicht der breiten Öffentlichkeit ist, dass sich im Darknet alles um illegale Geschäfte dreht. Einige gehen sogar davon aus, dass es verboten ist, diesen verschlüsselten Bereich des Internets überhaupt zu betreten. Beide Annahmen sind falsch. Wir erklären dir, worum es sich beim Darknet eigentlich handelt und wie du dorthin gelangst. Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist das…
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December 7, 2023 0

What is a web browser, and what different types are there?

A web browser is a software program that gives you access to websites. But with so many different web browser types available, it might be difficult to choose the right one for you. Check out our overview of the most popular web browsers to easily select the one that best suits your needs. Contents What…
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November 15, 2023 0


许多故事都围绕着暗网发生,所以人们很自然会对暗网感到好奇。尽管暗网有一些合法用途,但它通常会因为与各种危险和非法商品市场的关联而名声不佳。那么暗网到底是什么,如何访问暗网,以及使用暗网是否有任何风险? 内容 暗网是什么? 表网、深网与暗网:有何差异? 暗网工具和服务 浏览器 搜索引擎 网站 暗网的历史 暗网是否违法? 暗网的危险性 如何访问暗网 暗网上卖哪些东西? 如何知道暗网上是否有您的个人信息 如果您的个人信息在暗网上出售该怎么办 如何保护您的个人信息免于数据盗窃 暗网是什么? 暗网因犯罪活动而名声不佳:非法商品、出售被盗数据或雇佣黑客服务。虽然犯罪肯定是暗网的一部分,但暗网还有更多用途。暗网有一些合法的用途,例如在审查制度严格的国家/地区,人们会使用暗网来保护自己的匿名性,或者阅读与政党或政治话题无关的新闻。 表网、深网与暗网:有何差异? 若要了解暗网,了解它与“明网”和“深网”的差异可能会有所帮助。 表网(Surface Web)也称为表层网络或“明网”,由所有公共网站组成,您可以通过在浏览器地址栏中键入表网的 URL,或使用 Google 和其他搜索引擎查找,在线找到这些网站。您在 NordVPN 网站上看到的内容(包括这篇文章)都是表网的一部分。 深网(Deep Web)也称为深层网络,是所有不属于表网的在线内容。Bing 或 Google 这类标准搜索引擎不会对深网网页编制索引。多数深网都包含隐藏在密码或付费墙后面的数据。如果您登入 Nord 帐户,看到的信息从技术来看都是在深网上:关于您的 NordVPN 订阅等数据。它仍然在互联网上,但没有您的登录凭据就无法访问。 暗网(Dark Web)也称为黑暗网络或暗黑网,是深网的一部分。正常的搜索引擎无法找到暗网网站的内容,它们的流量是加密的,而且需要特殊工具才能访问。 您可以把互联网想像成一座冰山,其不同部分或多或少都是可见的。 表网是冰山水面上的一部分,所有人都可以看到并访问。然而深网是在水面下,不太容易访问,但基本的游泳技能就足以到达那里。同时,暗网是冰山最深层的一部分,需要特殊的潜水设备才能到达。 暗网工具和服务 暗网需要特殊的工具和服务才能访问。 暗网浏览器 暗网浏览器是访问暗网网站所需的工具。虽然暗网可以通过各种浏览器访问,但 Tor(洋葱路由器)是最受欢迎和最知名的暗网浏览器。美国政府最初创建Tor,以作为不同军事组织匿名交换消息和信息的工具。后来它变成开源,并向公众开放。 这个暗网浏览器的名称源于用来加密消息的方法。Tor 浏览器将数据封装在不同的加密层中(就像洋葱一样),并通过「洋葱」路由器网络发送。数据通过的每个路由器都会去掉一层加密,并将部分解密的消息发送到下一个目的地。该过程重复进行,直到消息到达预期目的地。虽然这种技术能提高 Tor 的安全性,并使暗网操作保持匿名,但会降低性能。 暗网搜索引擎 暗网搜索引擎是一种为暗网网站编制索引的搜索引擎。由于 Google 这类的常规搜索引擎不会对暗网内容编制索引,所以暗网搜索引擎的存在是为了查找暗网的网站和页面。 然而,不要指望获得与在 Google…
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November 9, 2023 0

How to get a French IP address from anywhere

A French IP address is a great solution if you’re a resident of France and want to access French content from abroad. Choosing a French IP is also great for changing your virtual location and hiding your original IP. Let’s look at how you can get a French IP. Contents What is a French IP…
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September 12, 2023 0

How to get a US IP address from anywhere

Under regular circumstances, your IP address is associated with your physical location. However, you may want to consider changing your real IP address to one in a country that allows for more flexibility. The US IP is among those that can offer more opportunities online by opening a bigger pool of online resources. Find out…
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September 7, 2023 0

Tor network guide: What is the Tor browser, and how can you use it?

The Tor network is an online privacy-enhancing solution that you can only use with its designated browser. You can download and start using the Tor browser to protect your IP address and online traffic from tracking and snooping. Contents What is Tor? What is the Tor browser? How does Tor work? What is the Tor…
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September 5, 2023 0

Onion routing: Definition, mechanism, and key features

Onion routing is a technique for enhancing your online privacy by covering your data with layers of encryption when you browse the internet. Learn about how onion routing works, how you can benefit from it, and what risks you might face if you use it. Contents What is onion routing? Seven key features of onion…
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August 31, 2023 0

What is I2P and how does it work?

If privacy is important to you, you might want to use I2P, a privacy-focused networking tool. It’s similar to the Tor system, but with its own distinct flavor. Let’s look at its pros and cons. What is I2P? Invisible Internet Project (or I2P) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) anonymous network layer tool, which protects you from…
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August 7, 2023 0