Tag: tracking

Alternatives à AirTag : Guide complet pour les utilisateurs d’iPhone et d’Android

L’AirTag d’Apple est le dispositif de suivi le plus populaire, grâce à la position inébranlable de l’entreprise et à sa couverture du marché. Ce minuscule traqueur Bluetooth coûte environ 40€, ce qui peut être un peu cher pour certaines personnes. Heureusement, il existe d’autres solutions. Découvrez les meilleures alternatives à l’Apple AirTag et choisissez celle…
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January 19, 2024 0

Privacy couture: Everything you need to know about anti-surveillance fashion

We live under almost constant surveillance. At the store, on the streets, and sometimes even at work — your every step is followed by a camera lens. This unfortunate situation has birthed a new trend among stylish privacy advocates: anti-surveillance fashion. In this article, we will explore the ideas behind anti-surveillance fashion, trace its roots,…
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January 15, 2024 0

Inwieweit lässt sich ein VPN zurückverfolgen?

Mit einem VPN können dein Internetverkehr und deine IP-Adresse nicht mehr zurückverfolgt werden. Aber kann ein VPN deine digitale Anonymität garantieren? Kann jemand trotzdem deine Surf-Aktivitäten überwachen? Das hängt zum großen Teil von deinem Online-Verhalten ab und davon, wie zuverlässig das VPN ist. Inhaltsverzeichnis Kann ein VPN zurückverfolgt werden? Wie ein VPN zurückverfolgt werden kann…
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December 11, 2023 0

Kan man spores med en VPN?

Med en VPN kan din webtrafik og IP-adresse ikke længere spores. Men vil en VPN kunne garantere din digitale anonymitet? Kan nogen stadig afkode dine browsingaktiviteter? Det kommer meget an på din onlineadfærd, og hvor pålidelig VPN’en er. Indhold Hvad kan man skjule med en VPN? Hvem kan spore mig online? Kan jeg spores med…
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December 7, 2023 0

Indirizzo MAC: cos’è, a cosa serve e come si trova

L’indirizzo MAC (Media Access Control) è una sequenza composta da 12 cifre, divise in coppie, che funge da codice identificativo univoco per ogni scheda di rete, sia essa ethernet o wireless. Questo codice non ha la sola funzione di distinguere ogni dispositivo all’interno di una rete locale, ma è anche cruciale per la gestione del…
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November 20, 2023 0

AirTag alternatives: A comprehensive guide for iPhone and Android users

Apple’s AirTag is the most popular tracking device, thanks to the company’s unwavering presence and market coverage. This tiny Bluetooth tracker costs around $30, which may be a bit much for some people. Fortunately, it’s not the only choice. Learn all about the best Apple AirTag alternatives and choose one that is perfect for you.…
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November 10, 2023 0

如何追蹤 IP 位址

追蹤 IP 位址可以揭示有關使用者和其位置的資訊。本文將說明如何追蹤 IP 位址資訊,以及如何防止自己的 IP 位址被追蹤。 內容 IP 位址是什麼? 追蹤 IP 位址的原因 如何使用命令提示字元追蹤 IP 位址 如何從電子郵件追蹤 IP 位址 是否可以透過手機追蹤 IP 位址? 追蹤 IP 位址是否合法? 是否可以隱藏自己的 IP 位址? IP 位址是什麼? 您的 IP 位址或網路通訊協定位址是一串數字,用於在網際網路上辨識您的網路或裝置。當連上一個網站時,網站營運商會收到您的公共 IP 位址。由於 IP 位址會用作您的線上 ID,網站營運商因而知道要將請求的資料傳送至何處。 雖然 IP 位址對網際網路的運行至關重要,但其可能會洩漏更多關於您的資訊。如果有人掌握了您的 IP 位址,就可以進行追蹤,並大致知道您從哪裡瀏覽,以及所使用的網際網路服務供應商(ISP)。 IP 位址可以辨識您在網際網路上的身份嗎?不可以,IP 位址本身只會顯示基本資訊,如瀏覽區域和 ISP,不會洩漏您的姓名、瀏覽資訊或確切位置。 追蹤 IP 位址的原因 企業出於以下各種原因追蹤 IP 位址。 地理定製體驗。追蹤使用者的 IP…
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November 6, 2023 0

What is a tracking pixel, and how does it work?

You’ve probably never seen a tracking pixel, but they’ve almost definitely appeared on your screen before. Tracking pixels allow companies to gather useful marketing information and assess the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. But what are they, exactly, and how do they work? Contents What is a tracking pixel? How tracking pixels work Inserting a tracking…
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September 27, 2023 0

Can private browsing be traced on the iPhone?

Private browsing is a helpful tool to hide your search history on many devices, including your iPhone. But have you ever wondered how much privacy the private window actually grants you? Let’s find out how effective Safari’s incognito mode is and how to enhance it. Contents What is private browsing? How to turn on private…
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August 6, 2023 0

VPN awareness in Hong Kong and Taiwan

Taiwan and Hong Kong have faced internet freedom and privacy challenges for years. With privacy reforms and restrictions imposed by mainland China, maintaining online privacy has been difficult. If you’re in Hong Kong or Taiwan, a VPN could help. But do people in Hong Kong and Taiwan use VPNs? Let’s unpack the results of a…
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June 29, 2023 0