Tag: VPN research

Sondaggio NordVPN: gli utenti si fidano ancora delle VPN gratis

Ogni anno, NordVPN conduce un sondaggio su scala globale riguardo all’utilizzo delle reti private virtuali. I dati raccolti hanno mostrato che, se gli utenti si mostrano più informati che mai in fatto di VPN, alcuni continuano a voler scambiare i propri dettagli privati in cambio di un servizio gratuito. Analizziamo più in profondità i risultati…
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February 26, 2024 0

NordVPN survey reveals: Users still trust free VPNs

Every year, NordVPN conducts a global survey on VPN usage. The findings have shown that while awareness of VPNs is increasing, some users are still willing to trade their personal details for a free VPN service. Let’s dig into the study’s results to understand more about patterns in VPN usage. About the survey NordVPN conducts…
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February 23, 2024 0

NordVPN survey shows: A third of Americans use a VPN

The VPN usage survey is an annual multi-country research project commissioned by NordVPN. This year’s survey results show that the U.S. is one of the leading countries for VPN awareness and usage. Let’s look at the survey results to uncover the most interesting insights. Contents About the survey What do the results show? VPN usage…
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June 28, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: Over a quarter of Brits use a VPN

The VPN usage survey is an annual multi-country research project commissioned by NordVPN. This year’s survey results show that most Brits know what a VPN is, with over a quarter of the UK population using it. Let’s take a closer look at the survey results to uncover the most interesting insights. Contents About the survey…
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June 28, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: A quarter of Australians use a VPN

The VPN usage survey is an annual multi-country research project commissioned by NordVPN. This year, the survey ran in 18 markets, including Australia. The results show that six in 10 Australians know what a VPN is, with over a quarter of the Australian population using one. Let’s take a closer look at the survey results…
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June 28, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: Over a quarter of Canadians use a VPN

The VPN usage survey is an annual multi-country research project commissioned by NordVPN. This year’s survey results show that most Canadians know what a VPN is, with over a quarter of the Canadian population using one. Let’s take a closer look at the survey results to uncover the most interesting insights. Contents About the survey…
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June 28, 2023 0