Tag: Wi-Fi

WEP, WPA, WPA2 och WPA3: Skillnaderna förklarade

När vi pratar om trådlösa nätverk handlar det inte bara om hastighet eller täckning – säkerheten är minst lika viktig. Trådlösa säkerhetsprotokoll spelar en avgörande roll för att hålla våra wifi-nätverk och våra data säkra från obehöriga. I takt med att tekniken utvecklas har vi fått olika generationer av dessa protokoll, där varje ny version…
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September 21, 2024 0

Wi-Fi network connection: How to set it up and connect your devices

With a secure and reliable Wi-Fi network connection, you get seamless access to the internet. A strong Wi-Fi connection allows for smooth communications, efficient completion of online tasks, and improved productivity. This quick guide will walk you through setting up your Wi-Fi network and provide tips on connecting different devices to Wi-Fi networks. What you…
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July 16, 2024 0

How to fix an Android phone losing network connection

Android phones have evolved significantly over the years. While threats like malware still pose a risk, you typically won’t face major issues when using your Android device. However, an Android phone isn’t immune to common device problems like losing network connection. If your Android phone keeps losing its network connection, read on to learn the…
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July 15, 2024 0

Does a VPN work without Wi-Fi?

You can enjoy VPN protection even without Wi-Fi as long as you are connected to the internet. To establish an internet connection, use alternative means like mobile data or an Ethernet cable. Let’s take a look at the different connection options and their trade-offs. Contents A VPN without Wi-Fi: Does it work? Does a VPN…
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January 4, 2024 0

Vad är MU-MIMO och varför är det viktigt?

MU-MIMO är en sammansatt förkortning av de engelska begreppen multi-user, multiple input och multiple output. Det är en trådlös teknik för dataöverföring som gör det möjligt för flera enheter att använda wifi samtidigt utan att prestandan påverkas avsevärt. I följande artikel kommer vi gå in mer i detalj om hur MU-MIMO fungerar, vad tekniken har…
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November 27, 2023 0

Everything you need to know about Wi-Fi logs and how to clear them

Some Wi-Fi routers store information about users, devices, and network activity. In this article, we explain how to access and delete your router history. Contents What are router logs, and what information do they store? How to access router history How to read router logs How to delete your Wi-Fi router history How to delete…
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November 26, 2023 0

Was ist Piggybacking und wie unterscheidet es sich vom Tailgating?

In der Cybersicherheit bedeutet Piggybacking, dass Personen ohne Genehmigung auf WLAN-Netzwerke zugreifen können. Das kann eine Reihe von Problemen verursachen, von langsamen Internetgeschwindigkeiten bis hin zu Sicherheitsrisiken. In diesem Artikel erklären wir, was Piggybacking ist und wie du es verhindern kannst. Contents Was ist Piggybacking Piggybacking vs. Tailgating Wie funktioniert Piggybacking? Beispiele für Piggybacking Wie…
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November 15, 2023 0

Mikä on SSID ja miten löydät omasi?

SSID on lyhenne sanoista Service Set IDentifier ja se on verkkosi nimi. Jos avaat tietokoneellasi tai älypuhelimellasi Wi-Fi-verkkojen listan, näet listan SSID-tunnuksia. Langaton reititin tai tukiasema lähettää SSID-tiedon, jotta lähellä olevat laitteet löytävät ja näyttävät saatavilla olevat verkot. Katso, miten SSID:t toimivat ja miten saat selville oman verkkosi nimen. Mikä on SSID? SSID on lyhenne…
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October 27, 2023 0

What is MU-MIMO, and why is it important?

MU-MIMO stands for “multi-user, multiple input, multiple output” and it is the technology that allows all your wireless devices to use Wi-Fi at the same time without slowing each other down too much. Let’s get into more detail on how MU-MIMO works, what benefits it offers, and whether it’s available on your Wi-Fi router. Contents…
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August 29, 2023 0

Common Wi-Fi authentication problems: Troubleshooting tips and solutions

Wi-Fi authentication is a process through which a device proves its right to access the network. You’ll see an authentication error whenever your device fails to prove its identity to the network. In this article, we’ll look at what might cause this problem and the best ways to tackle it. Contents What does an authentication…
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July 24, 2023 0